Thursday, July 30, 2009

Leah and Audrey happenings

Can I just start by telling you that packing around 40 lbs. worth of babies isn't as easy as you may imagine it. Another funny story is that my husband asked me the other day how I was going to grocery shop once the babies were in bigger car seats because I wouldn't be able to just put them in the grocery cart anymore. Ummm hello, the babies have been in bigger car seats now for almost two months. I take four kids to the store whenever I go. I put the babies in their stroller while Alyssa or I push the grocery cart. When I told him this, he seemed puzzled as to how that worked. Trust me, it just works. To me, going from 2-4 kids has been a lot easier than going from 1-2 kids. I find that I have a lot of shortcuts that I would die without, and things don't always work out as planned but I am finally learning that I have to let some things go. There is no other way that I would be able to function.

Leah and Audrey are such good babies, they are babbling non-stop, Leah is about a month behind Audrey on motor skills where Leah is about a month ahead of Audrey on developmental skills. Leah is now crawling, sitting-up, and can almost pull herself up to standing while holding on to things. Audrey doesn't need to know how to do any of these things because she is just capable of getting into EVERYTHING just by rolling around. Leah is still the more aggressive one and she loves tormenting Audrey by pulling her hair. At first we thought that she was just doing it without realizing what she was doing but boy were we wrong. She does it intentionally, and then will just smile when we tell her to stop. Both girls have two teeth on the bottom, and they look so cute with them. I can't believe that they are almost 9 months old now, they are seriously growing way too fast. Oh how I love my four girls!


Lana said...
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Chalen said...

Believe me, I know how hard it is to pack around 40-50 lb of baby weight. I'm glad I am past that and my girls are capable of getting around unassisted. I can believe the grocery shopping too. I swear I didn't go anywhere without my double stroller for almost two years. We more than got our money out of it. At least Alyssa is old enough to help out. Ethan was three and not much of a help. But at least he stayed close by.

Anonymous said...

Your right they are getting really big. It seems like yesterday we were all awaiting the phone call that they were here. Thanks for sharing an update on your giggle of girls..

My husband has 3 sisters when the two oldest were growing up my father in law said any group of 3 or more girls was a "giggle of girls" sort of a play on a gaggle of geese I guess.


Diana Sims said...

I love your little girls eyes!! So cute!