Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kelsie happenings

I am worried sick about this little girl. She just hasn't been herself lately. It started about a week or so ago. I noticed that she seemed really tired. Too tired to play, too tired to eat, I am talking completely lethargic. At church last Sunday, she was almost asleep on my lap during sacrament meeting which never is the case. She even fell asleep the other day while playing the wii. The only other symptom I noticed with her was that she looked really pale, but still I wasn't really concerned. I just figured that maybe she was just trying to fight off a cold or something. Yesterday morning I had more of a concern when I kept going in to check on her and she still was not awake. She is an early riser and rarely sleeps past about 7:30 a.m during the summer. After checking on her three times, she seemed as though she did not want to wake up. She finally woke up at 9:00 a.m. I called over to our pediatricians office and spoke with the phone nurse who advised me that I needed to bring Kelsie in right away. I gathered up the girls and off we headed to see the doctor. The doctor came in to look at Kelsie, checked her over, and just had a very concerning look on her face. She informed me that Kelsie's spleen was very enlarged, she had white patchy spots on her tonsils, and she was also concerned that Kelsie had lost 6 pounds since last being seen 6 months prior. All of the symptoms that Kelsie presented with assured the doctor that Kelsie had Mononucleosis, which is the long word for mono. I was shocked, and had no idea that children could even get mono. Apparently they can. Mono does cause your spleen to be enlarged, it also causes you to be extremely lethargic, and the white patches on your throat are also a symptom, however weight loss is not usually a symptom which still is a worry. The doctor informed me that other serious illnesses could also be a factor in the reason Kelsie's spleen is enlarged. They did do some lab work on Kelsie to see about things like leukemia which is never what you want to hear as a Mother, especially when it hits so close to home. My uncle was diagnosed with Leukemia as a child, he was only 3 1/2 years old when he passed away. The good news though is that Kelsie's complete blood count looked really good which makes the doctor think at this point we can just go ahead and assume that she has mono and nothing more serious. We will get the rest of our lab work back hopefully by tomorrow. It is still a worry, but I am just trying not to get all worked up. I am going to wait for the results from her lab work, and we will go from there. In the meantime, I am hoping to avoid getting mono. That's the last thing that I need right now.


ebudd said...

Wishing you well, Kelsie! And all of you!

Love, the Budds

Anonymous said...

Praying for your family and little Kelsie.

Anonymous said...

Just read your comment. Actually I was suppose to take off all nail polish and I left my toe nails red. Thought about finding some red socks but was too tired the night before.

I really love our ward and all the support and friends.

ApRil & Heath said...

Oh no.. explains why I have been so tired and sick to my stomach lately.. :( Mono is very very contagious, what if i gave it too her? Good thing I am going to the Doctor tomorrow! Poor little he-she! hahah

Marcy and Isaac said...

Trisha, make sure you update the blog with Kelsie's progress. You are so strong to go through all this with a positive attitude.