Saturday, August 1, 2009

Good news on the home front

First thing this morning I recieved a call from our very cute and pregnant pediatrician. She informed me that Kelsie's lab work looks okay. It turns out that she not only has mono but also has strep. Her iron levels are a little low but that is probably due to her being sick at the moment. Kelsie has been on her antibiotics now for three days and seems to be feeling a lot better. She is almost back to her spunky and crazy self which is a plus. Next week we will be following up with the pediatrician just to check her spleen again. Other than that, there are no major worries.

Kelsie is so excited for preschool, and she even recieved a full scholarship. She and Alyssa are also going to start ballet next month and they are so excited. Today they had to try on their new leotards, tights, and ballet shoes. After they got dressed, they handed me an invitation to their dance perfomance. The invitation was hand written by Alyssa and said the following:

dear mom and dad go to the family room and bring the babies

when August 1st
time 12:58 (sharp)
no rsvp

please make it

These little girls are growing up way too fast. These really are the good times!


Joyce said...

So cute!!! With four little girls in the house, you guys better gear up for LOTS of "command" performances. Enjoy every minute!!
Glad to hear that Kelsie is on the mend. Such a worry with our little ones, isn't it. Glad you are doing well too, Trisha.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that she is feeling better. They're so cute, I bet they will have a lot of fun in ballet.

Marcy and Isaac said...

Trish, I'm glad that it wasn't anything worse than mono and strep (not that that is easy to handle), but it must be a huge relief to finally have some answers. You better post some ballet pictures soon.