Wednesday, July 8, 2009

tests, tests, and more useless tests

I am finally home after a long and exhausting day at Vanderbilt. I left my house a little after 12:00 this afternoon and did not arrive back until 5:45 this evening. I am not the most patient person especially when it has to do with sitting in waiting rooms with doctors who never seem to ever be on schedule. I was going to take the girls with me and am so glad that I didn't, but I feel sorry for the two babysitters who had to watch my girls for almost 6 hours today.

So my first appointment was all about what to expect during and after surgery. Basically don't eat or drink after midnight, no gum, no mints, no make-up, no jewelry. blah, blah, blah. In one ear and out the other. Seeing how this appointment was supposed to end within an hour but took almost an hour and a half, not exactly a good sign. Onto my next appointment which was lab work. Can't have surgery without getting a pregnancy test. When the phlebotomist asked me if I was pregnant, my answer was simple. " You know last year was the year of surprises so I guess anything is possible, but I am pretty sure that I am not." After several vials of blood were taken it was time to have a chest x-ray. What? A chest x-ray. Come on, I could understand if I wasn't healthy but what a waste of time. Then it was time to do an EKG even though I have a perfectly healthy heart, and have never had heart problems of any kind. I was loosing my patience so fast, and a couple of times I was getting really short with the staff as they were asking me different questions about my health. Again, lab work was supposed to be done fairly quickly, and my last appointment was scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Seeing how the time was now 4:00 p.m. and I still had one more appointment to go, I knew that things were not looking promising. My last appointment was meeting with the lovely ENT who will be assisting with the surgery. Apparently, he couldn't get enough of just looking through my nasal cavity with a light and decided to stick a metal scope up it instead. My nostril is so sore, oh my gosh. I am not sure it's a good sign either when all that he wanted to talk about is having to work with all of my "scar tissue" He made it perfectly clear that he hated fixing other doctor's work. Like it's my fault that my last ENT wasn't up to par with his standards. Call someone who cares.

I still have some left over valium from my MRI and I think that I may just take it before I go to bed tonight. I have so many mixed emotions right now. Do I cancel the surgery? That's what I feel like doing right at the moment. What a roller coaster ride this has been.


Camie said...

Im so sorry you have to go though this again I wish I could be there to help you.Remember god only gives you what you can handle even if it feels like to much. I know easier said then done but I know you can do this. Love you!

iduhaire said...

Hello, it's been a very long time!! This is Melissa Pratt, Cami gave me you blog address. I'd ask how your doing but from reading your blog it seems you have a lot going on. You are in my thoughts and prayers. When is your surgery? When you get a moment my email is and my blog is prattfamclan. I would love to catch up.

The Cobells said...

Hang in there Trisha, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. It sounds like those docs could have been a little more understanding. I am praying for you.

tiff said...

Trisha! Where does the time go? Your girls are all so big, seeing your cute family brings back some great memories. Cami emailed your blog address and I can see you have alot going on. Riley and I just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and our prayers.

Marcy and Isaac said...

Trish, I am sorry your doctors had poor bedside manners. I hope you know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. I will be checking back often to see your updates. Feel free to call anytime if you ever need to talk.