Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Management

So while Trish's posts are on hiatus, I've been put in charge of updating the blog. This will make for much less entertaining posts, but bear with me. So important news first. Trish had her surgery yesterday, and she is doing great. They got out as much tumor as they could safely, and everything went pretty straight forward. She is feeling really well right now, no vomiting or pain. In fact, she's hoping to make it home today, although I don't know what the chances of that are. She will likely get out of the ICU today, so that will be nice. I'm at the hospital right now, so I can't put any pictures up, but she's looking great. Hopefully some of the lines and tubes should start coming out soon. Sorry about the late post, I spent yesterday helping out Trish, and getting her two (yes, two!) Ben and Jerry's milk shakes. Maybe I should spend some time in the hospital. Anyway, we really thank everybody for their thoughts and prayers, and I'll try to keep everyone updated. I'll pass any comments on to Trish.


luann said...

So glad things went well! We have been thinking of you and your sweet family! We're sure the Lord will help the recovery go well too! Those shakes will help as well!

Andrea Holley said...

I'm so glad to hear that things went well. We're praying for you Trisha! I'm hungry - a Ben&Jerry's milkshake sounds delicious! Enjoy it! Love you!

Braden Bell said...

From Meredith - It's so good to get an update and know you are feeling pretty well in your recovery. You were on my mind so much during your surgery, and I know you had tons of prayers going up from all of us that love you!! And if you have to have brain surgery, you deserve as many milkshakes as you want! Hugs from the Bells ---

Unknown said...

So happy that things went well. Good luck for a quick recovery on your journey to feel well again.

Jessica Newman said...

It sounds like you are doing great! I am so glad everything went well! I am also a big fan of Ben and Jerry's particularly the Chunky Monkey!

The Cobells said...

I'm so glad that everything went well!!! I'm so glad that you are not sick. If you were here in Vermont Will would be your doctor in the ICU I live by Ben&Jerry's and I have not ever had a shake. I will have to try one. I will keep checking the blog to see how you are doing.

The Karrens said...

You looked great today. Glad I could help.

Traylor Family said...

I've been bugging April and Jenna for updates. I don't want to bug you guys just yet. But please know I'm still willing to help with anything.

Kevin- I guess it's a good thing that all the 'food' places were out of gift cards ;)

Camie said...

So glad to hear everything went well. Best of luck and I hope you get well soon:)

Katelyn Marie Taylor said...

I am so glad to hear that everything went well. We love you all and couldn't stop thinking about you on Tuesday. Take your time to recover and enjoy the milkshakes...I'll see you in Aug. when I get back from Cali.

Kevan, Thanks for taking over, I'm sure that's the last thing your thinking about is updating the blog.

Hugs and lots of love, The Taylors

Anonymous said...

Kevin, thanks so much for the update. I've been thinking about Trisha & I am glad that everything has gone well.

Teresa Larsen said...

it's good to hear everything went well wish you the best.

Lana said...

Im so glad! I was wondering how everything was going. Your great to take over the blogging job Kevin. I hope the girls are alright while the Mommy is away.=)