Leah and Audrey are such good babies, they are babbling non-stop, Leah is about a month behind Audrey on motor skills where Leah is about a month ahead of Audrey on developmental skills. Leah is now crawling, sitting-up, and can almost pull herself up to standing while holding on to things. Audrey doesn't need to know how to do any of these things because she is just capable of getting into EVERYTHING just by rolling around. Leah is still the more aggressive one and she loves tormenting Audrey by pulling her hair. At first we thought that she was just doing it without realizing what she was doing but boy were we wrong. She does it intentionally, and then will just smile when we tell her to stop. Both girls have two teeth on the bottom, and they look so cute with them. I can't believe that they are almost 9 months old now, they are seriously growing way too fast. Oh how I love my four girls!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Leah and Audrey happenings
Leah and Audrey are such good babies, they are babbling non-stop, Leah is about a month behind Audrey on motor skills where Leah is about a month ahead of Audrey on developmental skills. Leah is now crawling, sitting-up, and can almost pull herself up to standing while holding on to things. Audrey doesn't need to know how to do any of these things because she is just capable of getting into EVERYTHING just by rolling around. Leah is still the more aggressive one and she loves tormenting Audrey by pulling her hair. At first we thought that she was just doing it without realizing what she was doing but boy were we wrong. She does it intentionally, and then will just smile when we tell her to stop. Both girls have two teeth on the bottom, and they look so cute with them. I can't believe that they are almost 9 months old now, they are seriously growing way too fast. Oh how I love my four girls!
Alyssa happenings
This little girl who is not so little anymore starts school in only 6 more days. Oh, how I am going to miss her while she is gone at school. She has been such a good helper to me and takes such great care of her sisters. The summer went by way too fast. I really enjoy having all of my kids home for the summer, call me weird but I love it. I get a little emotional when they go back to school.
Kelsie happenings
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My Mom already has her next flight booked for November and will be here for Audrey and Leah's first birthday. How fun will that be? I can't wait!
The next time she comes hopefully will be a little more exciting. I felt like we weren't able to do a whole lot just with the surgery and all, but we still managed to do some fun things together.
We love you Mom, and miss you already. Captain D's, Ben & Jerry's, and the he-she are begging you to come back!
Monday, July 27, 2009
I am getting used to living in the south, life seems to be moving along when BAM I am hit with some more big news. As if having twins, frozen pipes, and a house flood aren't enough to deal with all in a years time. My tumor is back, and in a year it has almost doubled in size. I head to Vanderbilt, consult with a Neurosurgeon who informs me that I am in the best hands possible. I think to myself, "sure, that's what they all say." After failing medication therapy, I decide that my only choice is to go through yet another brain surgery. Surgery is done, and I feel beyond amazing. How could this be? When I had the first surgery it took months for me to feel like I could do even the simplest task. I had to take pain pills for several weeks, and couldn't tell you who came to visit, or what went on. The pain that I felt afterwards was horrendous. Of course I expected that this time around, things wouldn't be any different but they were different. I am a survivor yet again, I made it through and all went well. To top it all off, I find out that at Vanderbilt this is the biggest pituitary clinic in the world. We are talking 80 of these exact surgeries happen per month. Patients fly in from all over the world for the chance to be operated at Vanderbilt. Let me ask you, " Do you think that this is a coincidence that we ended up here?" I think not.
I am not a believer that things happen merely just by chance. I believe that all things happen for a reason. There is no way that moving out here happened coincidentally. Even when we moved out here, my Mom would always tell me that maybe the reason why we were headed here was for my health. I strongly believe that my health is one of many reasons why we ended up here.
Many wonderful experiences have happened to me throughout this complicated medical journey, and I don't need to share with you every single detail but overall miracles were performed. There is no other explanation plain and simple.
I also received my hospital bill and can you believe that for one day in the hospital, my bill came to $37,000.00. This was only the bill for the inpatient hospital services, and this does not include any of the professional fees. Even with our insurance coverage we would still have to pay 10% of this bill, but like I mentioned before. Miracles keep happening over and over again. For this entire hospital stay, we will be paying NOTHING! Vanderbilt has been so good to us, and I can't express my thanks enough to such an incredible hospital who is so equipped to handle any situation at any given time. Again, I ask you. "Coincidence?" to which I reply, "not a chance"
Thank you again for your outpouring of love and support, I feel great, and know that I will continue to heal each day. With much love sent to all of you!
Friday, July 17, 2009
72 hours after surgery
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'm back
Well I survived yet another brain surgery, let's hope it's the last. I think Kevin gave you a pretty good report, and that's that the surgeons as well as the entire medical staff that took care of me did a FANTASTIC job. I have to brag about the anesthesia department, my do those guys know how to do a great job. To come out of surgery without throwing up gallons of blood was a plus. I was sure than when I woke up I hadn't even had surgery yet. I don't have any kind of packing in my nose, and just with the normal eye, you can't even tell that I had surgery. I am telling you, miracles were performed.
The most painful part of the surgery was getting the screws in place. I did this the day before surgery, and got myself so worked up about getting them that when it came for the appointment, I was beyond nervous. I did fairly well until I saw part of my hair falling to the ground. They did have to cut some of my hair in order to place the screws. I know that I have plenty of hair but it was still hard seeing my locks coming off in clumps. I have a new appreciation for chemo patients and I can't imagine having to go through what they do. Surprisingly getting the screws in place didn't hurt as much as I imagined it would. They numbed up the areas well and then put the screws in. After the numbing agent wore off after a few hours was when the real pain set in. It also didn't help that I hit one of the screws on the car door, and so it started bleeding profusely. Kevin had to apply some pressure to stop the bleeding, and I though that I was going to go through the roof. It hurt so bad! Sleeping with the screws in also wasn't comfortable at all. They also had to put some round stickers all over my face. I really looked like an alien, it was quite entertaining to walk through the hospital and see people's reaction to me.
Surgery took about four hours, and all went well. The Neurosurgeon was happy with the size of the tumor that he was able to remove. My wish was granted and I was able to leave the hospital within 24 hours. I don't know what it is about being in a hospital that I hate so bad, but I am always determined to get out as fast as I can. I am taking it easy, and have been sleeping a lot. I hate taking pain pills but I am taking them anyway. I will be following up in six weeks with a radiation/oncologist for more lovely treatment. They have talked about doing the gamma knife but I am not exactly sure which route of radiation that we are going to try for sure. When the Neurosurgeon came to see me after surgery, he told me that I should be a poster child for this surgery because he said that I had a huge smile on my face after coming out of surgery. I thought that was so funny. I wonder what other crazy things I did during surgery. I know right before I went into surgery, I told him that he better take the * * * * screws out of my head. I got the screws out and now have staples to deal with instead.
Well, it's time to rest so I better go. We are truly blessed, and I can't help but think that one of the reasons that we were sent out to Tennessee was for me to receive such excellent medical care. Vanderbilt has one of the top pituitary clinics in the world. How amazing is that?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New Management
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Happy 10 year anniversary
My how time flies. This is one of many of our engagement photos. We haven't changed much have we? What, you didn't know Kevin had hair? Well, he did. Even though his hair is now turning gray and he doesn't have much left, he is still the love of my life. I do have to add one more thing about this photo, and that is how I would love to be this size again. If only I could still wear these jeans. My, what having four kids can do to a woman.
Yes, yesterday was our 10 year anniversary and we had a great night. We were supposed to go to the temple but Kevin got home kind of late so we didn't have time to go. We did end up going to dinner here, and I have to just say that I have never tasted such a delicious steak.
Marrying Kevin has been the greatest decision that I have ever made. I often joke that I got the better end of the deal. We have grown a lot in the 10 years that we have been married, Love is definitely what we are going through.. Together.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
tests, tests, and more useless tests
So my first appointment was all about what to expect during and after surgery. Basically don't eat or drink after midnight, no gum, no mints, no make-up, no jewelry. blah, blah, blah. In one ear and out the other. Seeing how this appointment was supposed to end within an hour but took almost an hour and a half, not exactly a good sign. Onto my next appointment which was lab work. Can't have surgery without getting a pregnancy test. When the phlebotomist asked me if I was pregnant, my answer was simple. " You know last year was the year of surprises so I guess anything is possible, but I am pretty sure that I am not." After several vials of blood were taken it was time to have a chest x-ray. What? A chest x-ray. Come on, I could understand if I wasn't healthy but what a waste of time. Then it was time to do an EKG even though I have a perfectly healthy heart, and have never had heart problems of any kind. I was loosing my patience so fast, and a couple of times I was getting really short with the staff as they were asking me different questions about my health. Again, lab work was supposed to be done fairly quickly, and my last appointment was scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Seeing how the time was now 4:00 p.m. and I still had one more appointment to go, I knew that things were not looking promising. My last appointment was meeting with the lovely ENT who will be assisting with the surgery. Apparently, he couldn't get enough of just looking through my nasal cavity with a light and decided to stick a metal scope up it instead. My nostril is so sore, oh my gosh. I am not sure it's a good sign either when all that he wanted to talk about is having to work with all of my "scar tissue" He made it perfectly clear that he hated fixing other doctor's work. Like it's my fault that my last ENT wasn't up to par with his standards. Call someone who cares.
I still have some left over valium from my MRI and I think that I may just take it before I go to bed tonight. I have so many mixed emotions right now. Do I cancel the surgery? That's what I feel like doing right at the moment. What a roller coaster ride this has been.
yes it's time for brain surgery
I haven't been able to sleep at all thinking about all that is going to happen. My biggest worry is making sure that my family is taken care of while I am recovering. My Mom will be here but still I have a hard time with letting other people take care of the job that is primarily mine.
The first time that I left Alyssa overnight was when she was three years old. We left her with my Mom while we went to Yellowstone. I think I called to check on her at least five times a day. I thought that it might get easier to leave your children the more you had but I found this to be the complete opposite for me. With our twins, there is no way that I would leave them overnight. In fact, it's our 10 year anniversary in two days, and one of the girls called from the ward wanting to watch the babies overnight so that Kevin and I could go stay somewhere. Kevin was so cute, and told her that he didn't even want to leave the babies. He and I are a lot a like in the fact that we just don't like to leave our kids which isn't a bad thing.
My ward had a special fast for me last Sunday, and I so appreciated it. I had several ward members who approached me just to let me know that they were thinking about me, and that they had been fasting for me. One lady in the ward had back surgery a while back and said that a fast was done for her. She bore her witness to me about fasting. I was also approached by our sweet Bishop's wife, Meredith. She told me that they were explaining the meaning of fasting to their six year old son Zach, and he asked if he could fast for me as well. Thank you to everyone who fasted for me. We have such an incredible ward here. I know that I could call anyone in the ward at any given time, and they would help where needed. I appreciate everyone who has helped with babysitting, I appreciate the phone calls, I appreciate the cute notes, and kind words of encouragement. Thank you so much.
I am headed off to hours worth of doctors appointments today. I hope that things will go smoothly. I really would like to cancel the surgery but I know that it's something that I need to do.
Surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, July 14th and I will keep everyone updated. Again, thank you for all of your love and support. I couldn't do this without you!

Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy 4th of July
We had yet another wonderful 4th of July here in Tennessee. The whole weekend was filled with nothing but fun. Kevin had a 3 day weekend if you can believe it. It was also the first 4th of July that he has had off in 5 years so we just had to make it extra fun. We spent most of the weekend swimming with friends, eating good food. (speaking of food we even found a really good Greek restaurant that we tried), doing some projects around the house, and just spending time together. On Saturday, we headed over to the annual 4th of July party hosted by a family in our ward. This has become our Tennessee tradition, the kids had so much fun last year and haven't stopped talking about it since. I attempted to make my first double layer cake for this party, and it turned out rather well. I even put a raspberry filling in it. All of the food was very delicious!
I hope that everyone had a safe and wonderful 4th of July, I know that we did!
Thursday, July 2, 2009

I explained to him that I did not own his dog nor had I ever seen this dog in the neighborhood. After much debate about this stupid mutt, he then tells me that his sister-in-law who lives across the street told him that she sold me this dog. (Now don't you think that you should probably meet someone at least once before you are doing transactions with them?) seeing how I have never met this woman, and that she has only been my neighbor for less than a month, I found this situation to be rather weird.

I think that I am just going to enjoy the rest of my day inside with my doors locked, and I can only hope that the rest of my day will be somewhat NORMAL.