What I miss most about Utah
To all my fans out there, don't worry! WE ARE BACK. I know that you all were dying to here all about my vacation to Utah,so here it is in a nutshell. First and foremost I have to tell you how much I enjoyed looking out my Mom's window every morning to see the beautiful mountains. The trip was highly enjoyable, and it was so good to see everyone again. It's hard to believe that I left Utah over nine months ago. This trip made me realize how quickly time flies.... Now, back to my vacation. Where was I? Okay, I already told you about the plane ride. It really wasn't as bad as I expected honestly, and people at the airport and on the plane were more than willing to help us which was so appreciated. I would fly again with four kids by myself in a heartbeat if that says anything.
We stayed at my Mom's house for the entire three weeks, and it was so fun to spend time with her. ( I don't know if it was fun for her and my sister having us there, but we enjoyed ourselves) My Mom was a great hostess. Thanks Mom for everything!
My good friend Kendra entrusted me to borrow her brand new Ford Taurus for the entire three weeks, and it was so fun driving a sports car around instead of the boat that I normally am driving. Thank you so much Kendra!
Alyssa, Kelsie, Leah, and Audrey were absolute troopers. There were times that I definately wanted to pull my hair out but through it all we survived.
I could go on and on about all of the fun things that we did, and all of the people that we spent time with but that would take more time than I have at the moment.
Just know that we had a lot of fun, and it's great to be back in Tennessee. The girls and I were so excited to see Kevin again, it's been a while. It was so cute, on the way back to Tennessee Alyssa kept passing me notes on the plane telling me how much she missed her Dad. One lady sitting behind me was watching her pass the notes back and forth and just thought Alyssa was so cute.
Thanks to everyone for making this trip so memorable, we hope to see you all again soon!
I think I might have somebody's sesame street coloring book =) I'm glad that you made it home safely. The truffles were to die for. Thanx.
Hey sister I already miss you amd the kids so stinkin much I just want to hold one of them cute babies. time went way to fast glad you made it home sefetly I love you!
Im so glad you made it back safe. I have been waiting to hear from you to make sure it all went well. It was so fun to see you!! Let me know and I'll get pics to you.
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