Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter 2009

My favorite holiday is Easter, I love it even more than Christmas. Maybe it's the cadbury eggs that make it much more enjoyable than Christmas who knows, but either way I just love Easter.

The Saturday before Easter was spent going on egg hunts. We went to my Mom's work first for their company egg hunt where Kelsie won 2 easter baskets full of goods. The next hunt was over at my Aunt's house. We took a hayride down to several fields that her family owns and the kids went crazy looking for eggs. It was really fun!

We were able to color Easter eggs, and the Easter bunny did indeed find the girls in Utah which was a huge concern of Kelsie's.

Easter Sunday we went to church with my Mom, and then headed out to spend Easter with Kevin's family. If we want good food, you will definitely find it there! His family can cook and boy have I missed their cooking. We had another Easter egg hunt, and then had a little birthday party for Alyssa and Kelsie.

We had a wonderful Easter holiday!

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