Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday's are relaxing? Who are they kidding

This morning I was dreading getting five people ready for church, and the thought of Kevin being at work didn't make things any better. Somehow the morning routine was fairly easy. The kids cooperated in getting bathed, getting dressed, eating, and all the other usual Sunday things. I even got the babies to take a good nap before church which isn't always the case. Then it was time to leave for church, still things were pretty smooth sailing. We sat down in sacrament meeting, and the people around more were so accommodating to help me with the kids. (an extra pair of hands is always appreciated) Pretty soon after sacrament begins, Audrey begins to cry. No big deal, hurry make a bottle and plop it into her mouth. Then Kelsie decides that she needs to get her hand stuck in the bench in front of us, and she starts screaming with her ever so pleasant scream. No biggie, tell her things are going to be fine and she will be okay. Sacrament is about to get over, Kelsie decides that she needs to cry some more. Problem this time, she doesn't want to go to primary by herself. This separation anxiety is getting old really quick. For about the last month or so she hasn't wanted me to leave her side. Back to the story, so I go with her into primary and sit by her with Leah in tow. Leah starts getting fussy, and so I make her a quick bottle, feed it to her, and things are good. Leah falls asleep and so I quickly tell Kelsie that I am going to go out into the hall to grab her car seat so I can put her in it. About five seconds into the hall, I hear Kelsie's beautiful scream yet again. I head back into primary to try to calm her down. So far so good. I then tell her that I am going to now go to my class and that she can stay with her class. Nope, not a chance. She is going to come with me to relief society whether I want her to or not. We head to relief society and Audrey now is ready to be fussy. My patience was cut short at this time, and off we went to our church meetings held in the comfort of our own house.

Can I just tell you how annoyed I was today? Sometimes I seriously wonder why I bother going anywhere with four kids by myself. People complain to me all the time about how hard it is to take care of one kid, and I just want to slap them.

Sorry to be onery, I just have to vent but I am so ready to just throw in the towel. Unfortunately that's not very practical at this point in time. Now I better go figure out something to make for dinner.


Holly said...

I'm right there with you today! and I only have 3! Today after sacrament meeting, I just wanted to cry!, and I had my husband there. I just left after sacrament, seriously what's the point anyway?

Diana Sims said...

I think I heard your little ones in Sacrament meeting today. But you know what? It didn't bother me a bit! It probably bothered you more than anyone else!:)

6L's said...

amen, to that! we've all been there. i hope next week is better for you....keep on trucking, it will get better. :)

Anonymous said...

sorry you had a rough day. You're amazing, I can't even imagine the hard work you do.

Katelyn Marie Taylor said...

I am sorry that it seemed so hextic and crazy, please let Rob and I know if we can help we really don't want to be over powering in our help and hope you know that we are here to help, even when we have our little man in tow we won't mind lending all the help we can. Your awesome in all you do!

Mark and Janelle said...

I feel your pain, yet yours is a lot worse. More power to you to take all of them to church by yourself. I sometimes wonder why I am taking two to church by myself. But honestly you have it so much worse. I hope it gets better, i am just looking forward to nursery, and mine is a little closer than yours. Hey thanks for that gift card, really you didn't need to do that, but you are sweet, Mark really appreciates it! Love you guys!

Camie said...

I want to slap them too!! They really have know clue how hard 4 kids are.