Thursday, April 30, 2009
Our little butterball
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's my lucky day!
My husband also has not only today off from work but has TOMORROW OFF as well. His last day off of work was March 16th if you can believe it so days off are definitely a luxury around here. We love having him home with us!
Tonight, we are off to a barbecue and I don't have to have to cook which I am very excited about. I love days like this!
Spring is in bloom, the weather has been in the high 80's, and my days of waking up at 5:45 a.m. are almost over as summer will soon be approaching. Life is good.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The many faces of Kelsie

Tell me please what I am doing wrong here. I need some advice quick! I feel like she is definitely acting out and I am not sure how to help her. Maybe she is jealous of the babies, maybe she needs some alone time with Mom. I don't really know what the problem is. She has never acted out like this before, and it concerns me. Please help me bring back my fun-loving four year old.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Alyssa's first marathon
Rachel and her fight with MS
Rachel is my rock, and I look up to her in so many ways. Thank you for being such a great friend Rach!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
All in a day's work

While we were visiting Utah, I had the privilege of meeting Lana. I met Lana through one of my favorite couponing websites that I became a member of while living in Utah. We were both expecting twins around the same time, and would just talk to one another through E-mails. Lana lives about one hour from where my Mom lives, and so we decided that we should finally meet each other. Besides being the mother of the cutest little twin boys, Lana is also the mother of six other children who are UNDER the age of 10. Lana and I have become great friends, and it has been so nice being able to talk to someone who understands what it is like raising twins. Lana and I are the same age, and actually we have a lot of things in common which is great. Our twins are exactly one month apart. Aren't these four babies just so cute? I think so.
It was so nice meeting you Lana!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday's are relaxing? Who are they kidding
Can I just tell you how annoyed I was today? Sometimes I seriously wonder why I bother going anywhere with four kids by myself. People complain to me all the time about how hard it is to take care of one kid, and I just want to slap them.
Sorry to be onery, I just have to vent but I am so ready to just throw in the towel. Unfortunately that's not very practical at this point in time. Now I better go figure out something to make for dinner.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Grandma Shirley and Grandpa John
Easter 2009
The Saturday before Easter was spent going on egg hunts. We went to my Mom's work first for their company egg hunt where Kelsie won 2 easter baskets full of goods. The next hunt was over at my Aunt's house. We took a hayride down to several fields that her family owns and the kids went crazy looking for eggs. It was really fun!
We were able to color Easter eggs, and the Easter bunny did indeed find the girls in Utah which was a huge concern of Kelsie's.
Easter Sunday we went to church with my Mom, and then headed out to spend Easter with Kevin's family. If we want good food, you will definitely find it there! His family can cook and boy have I missed their cooking. We had another Easter egg hunt, and then had a little birthday party for Alyssa and Kelsie.
We had a wonderful Easter holiday!
Crystal hot springs
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We're back....Did you miss us?
What I miss most about Utah
We stayed at my Mom's house for the entire three weeks, and it was so fun to spend time with her. ( I don't know if it was fun for her and my sister having us there, but we enjoyed ourselves) My Mom was a great hostess. Thanks Mom for everything!
My good friend Kendra entrusted me to borrow her brand new Ford Taurus for the entire three weeks, and it was so fun driving a sports car around instead of the boat that I normally am driving. Thank you so much Kendra!
I could go on and on about all of the fun things that we did, and all of the people that we spent time with but that would take more time than I have at the moment.
Just know that we had a lot of fun, and it's great to be back in Tennessee. The girls and I were so excited to see Kevin again, it's been a while. It was so cute, on the way back to Tennessee Alyssa kept passing me notes on the plane telling me how much she missed her Dad. One lady sitting behind me was watching her pass the notes back and forth and just thought Alyssa was so cute.
Thanks to everyone for making this trip so memorable, we hope to see you all again soon!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Goodbye moon pies, Hello fry sauce
Well, we have actually been in Utah now for a little over a week, and boy is it nice to be back. It's As soon as we started flying over the mountains I started getting a little emotional. It was so nice to see the mountains again. However, I did not enjoy seeing the white substance that they were covered in.
For the record, flying with four kids alone really wasn't too bad. Kelsie and Alyssa sat in the row in front of me. I was able to take one car seat on the plane, and so I just alternated Leah and Audrey from riding on my lap to riding in the car seat. It was quite humorous watching person after person pass up the opportunity of sitting by me. I couldn't understand why they didn't want to sit next to the girl with twins. Oh well, their loss! I was really impressed with how well all four girls did on the flight. I was also impressed with how well Southwest treated us. The minute I stepped off the plane, they had my stroller ready for me, and just helped me with whatever I needed. It was great! Oh, and I almost forgot. We had a layover in Denver for an hour. The babies were starting to kind of fuss a little so I was trying to find a place to sit down with them. Low and behold, I look up and see my old neighbor and her husband and guess what? They are on the same flight heading back to Utah. They ended up sitting by us and helping me with the kids. It was so great. I truly felt like we were being watched over.
One major observation I have made about Utah is that it's way too COLD here! When we left Tennessee it was 70 degrees. Well, it was about 34 degrees the day that we flew in with lots and lots of SNOW!
So far it has been a really fun trip and we even managed to get sick. Kelsie ended up getting the flu a few days after getting here. Alyssa and I also ended up getting sick the night before her birthday. She also had some kind of flu, and I ended up the the flu plus strep. I don't know if it was the change in climate or what. We are getting better now though which is good.
It's been a week filled with lots and lots of activities, and very tired kids.
It's been so fun great spending time with everyone, and seeing my family and friends. I have to say that I do miss my king size pillowtop. This sleeping on hide-a-bed stuff is no good. I also miss my husband. The last time we spent three weeks apart was when he flew out to interview for residency programs. I didn't even recognize him at the airport when I picked him up. (I guess that's how you know it's been too long since you have been apart) We really do miss him, and the girls miss him too!
More excitement coming soon.....