These little chunks think that they are always starving. Can you tell by the pictures how much they are starving? Between the two of them per day they drink 80 ounces of formula, eat 4 bottles of baby food, and eat 2 bowls of mixed baby cereal. So the cost of feeding them per day is around $9.14. Doesn't seem like a whole lot until you times that by 28 days. Grand total is
$255.92 per month. Wow!
I guess I will think twice if this baby is as picky as Lucas was. He only wanted to nurse. He'd eat very little baby food, unless it was homemade, toast and water. I can't even imagine spending that much on feeding babies...that's more than our grocery bill per month for our whole family!
I meant to say, think twice about complaining.
I wish I could tell you it will get better--but when they are teenagers they will drink 5 gallons of milk a day. At least their girls, though, boys drink 10 gallons.
Good luck! By the way, not to be too political, but if you are worried about expensive food, you might call your Congressman and tell him to vote "no" on Waxman Markey--it is a climate bill that will add about 9 TRILLION dollars of cost to the economy--especially fuel, power, and those industries that use them (like the food industry). Call your congressman and senators and then tell everyone else you know to do the same!
Thank you so much... After writing here and sorta venting I feel so much better. It's really nice to have so many people let me know that I am loved faults and all. I really appreciate your loving words. I have decided that it/they are not worth the trouble. The number on the ward list is my husbands. Mine is 336-1977.
Wow! I have a cousin who has two sets of twins! I think they are so adorable. Love the pictures.
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