I don't even know where to begin in venting my anger and frustrations. Part of me wants to just pretend like this isn't really going to happen and continue being in denial, then part of me is the tough Trisha side that just tells me to be strong and that I will be able to kick this tumor's butt. Oh how I don't know what side to be on. Right now I just want to cry. Knowing what is coming my way is almost harder than not knowing. For instance with the last surgery, I experienced a lot of complications. I had a spinal fluid leak, and had to have a skin graft taken from my right thigh to patch the leak. I threw up several litters of blood following the surgery, and just had some other things happen that you probably don't want to hear about. Am I scared to go through this again? The answer is YES.
This time around I even get to experience the joys of having 3 screws in my skull while my surgery takes place. These are called skin markers and will be used so that the doctor's can do an MRI while I am actually having my surgery, and will help them navigate through the proper tumor areas. Does this sound painful to anyone else because it sure does to me. Oh, and I have to be awake while they put these screws in place. They do numb up the skull the day before surgery. Oh my gosh, I can't possibly do this. Not to mention that they are going to clip off some of my hair in these three spots. I am not going to think about this part. Moving on.
This tumor is aggressive and is not responding to medication at this time. We are going to try to remove the largest portion of the tumor, and then the neurosurgeonwill have me follow-up with radiation. What? Are you kidding me? Radiation. I can't possibly think of radiation. Luckily, it will just be done with a laser beam and not with radioactive dye. It seems like there are more risks with the radioactive dye. Let's just skip talking about radiation, I can't think about that either.
I found this really good website that talks about pituitary surgery in language that I can even understand. Here are some pictures if you feel so as inclined to look at them. People are kind of curious as to how they do this surgery, so here it is.

The surgeon uses an image-guidance system to help navigate through the nose. Skull landmarks and infrared cameras correlate the “real patient” to the 3D computer model generated from the patient’s CT or MRI scans. It functions as a global positioning system to help locate the lesion. Instrument positions are detected by the cameras and displayed on the computer model. Next, the endoscope is inserted through one nostril. A bony opening is made in the nasal septum (dotted line) and sphenoid sinus (green) to access the sella. Last but not least, the surgeon passes instruments through the other nostril to remove the tumor.
That my friends, is pituitary surgery at its finest.
Just tell me that I can do this. I need encouragement more than anything and maybe a few babysitters so that I can get to a few more appointments before my surgery.
I am happy to watch your girls any time. I am happy to bring dinner or clean or help in any small way I can. I cannot imagine what you are going through. It sounds so scary! I think you are very brave and strong.
I have tears rolling down my face as I read this. And to think that I'm complaining about giving birth again! I feel like such a loser. I wish I had your courage, because surely I would have just given up by now. You're such an inspiration to those around you. Please feel free to call me anytime you need anything at all. I live so close and Lucas would love to get out of the house!
Good Luck! And the radiation isn't as bad as it seems, at least the laser type. That is what Nate had done with his cancer. As bad as it seems, you will get through it will the love, support and prayers of family and friends near and far.
Trisha, you are in my prayers! I really wish I lived close enough to be useful. You can do this - you did it once and you can do it again - you are stronger than you think. Lots of people will be praying for you! As for radiation, my mom said that was the easiest part of all and didn't hurt a bit. I'm so sorry you have to go through this again!
Girls sleepovers at our house (you can come to!) You can do this!Your sense of humor and determination will help so much! And don't worry about have parts of your head shaved... I can fix that!
BIG hugs from LaVergne!!
Trish, you are a strong woman, you can do this. You will be in my prayers. Wish I could help watch the girls. Hugs..:)
Trisha, you are AMAZING!!! You CAN do this! And as said in the previous comments, we will be praying for you and Heavenly Father will strengthen you and your family. I wish I could be more helpful right now- like watching your girls, but I am sure you have made some great friends to help carry you through this trial. Good luck, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
You are in my prayers! I know you can kick this tumor's butt! I wish I could be closer to help you out.
Any woman who can be such an awesome mom and wife and friend can do anything. Any mother who can handle FOUR girls, that includes twins can handle and deal with ANYTHING. Don't worry about the hair we'll just go and get you a trendy short cut and everyone will envy your style. Don't forget to wear your RED high heels when you go. I've found wearing red when your worried makes you feel strong and powerful.
PS We all love you so very much.
I'm soo sorry to hear you have to that again:-( I wish I could come up and help you with your kids.) My prays are with you and your family every day. I thuoght about you on sunday sitting in church without Ramsey (he didnt feel well) I dont know how you do it. Life is very hard and I know you well be able to get through this too. Remember Heavenly father loves you and he will always be there for you. I love you.
I am so sorry that you have to go through this again and more. You are a strong women and you will kick this tumors butt. I wish I could give you hug. You are in my prayers. Hang in there.
Trisha, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this! You know I would do anything I could do to help you out! Don't hesitate to call. You're such an awesome daughter of God!
Trisha, I haven't checked your blog in ages (as I'm sure you've noticed! I'm a terrible friend!) but I've been thinking about you lately and felt prompted to check your blog tonight. My first reaction was total shock - your post was the last thing I expected to see. But my second response was, "Trisha is so brave and so strong. She can do this." I have total confidence in you, my friend. I only wish I were closer and could help. I may be terrible at commenting on blogs, but you are still near to my heart! We will keep you and your family in our prayers.
we are always there for you and love you so much!
We are very sorry you have to go through this Trisha. You are strong enough to deal with anything that comes your way. You will be in our prayers. Stay positive!
Trisha, you CAN do this! You are a very strong woman and you will have the Lord's help. Don't forget all of your village friends will be praying for you, wishing we could do more. We love you!
you know how much you are loved, I was scared to death when I heard you needed to have another surgery...no one wants to hear that their best friend is having their brain operated on.
But like you said, it probably isn't chance that you guys matched in Tennessee and that you are receiving the best care and are with the best clinic. We are thinking of you and praying for you and your family. I am sorry you have to go through this...I wish you weren't so far away!
We love you!!!
Trisha! Holy cow- I need to read blogs more often! I had no idea that the meds were not working for you! Im sorry you have to go through that. I know its scarey! I remember going through surgery to remove my cancer 5 years ago. Talk of radiation etc., its not fun thats for sure. If I was closer I would be there to help with kids, meals and anything else! Good luck with everything and I will FOR SURE be praying for you!! love ya.
Oh my gosh I can't think of another person that I know that can could do this. I have always thought of you as Super Woman! We will be praying for you and your doctors to get through this smoothy.
Trisha, You are amazing person. You will be able to do this and be strong, it's not always easy but, you can do this. Just have my mom's attitude,she say's the cancer stuff she is always going through gives her so many blessing. Call me if you ever need to talk 801-372-2621.
Love ya and you are in our prayers
We are keeping you in our prayers. I hope all will go well.
Trisha, you are amazing and you can do this! You are going to kick this tumor's trash. I wish it would all just go away, but you are in our prayers and we love you.
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