Saturday, May 2, 2009

When it rains it pours.....literally

The last few days it has been raining cats and dogs. I enjoy the rain but I am not sure that I am enjoying this much of it. I am especially not enjoying the aftermath that the rain caused in my basement.

It started out simple, I noticed that it looked wet underneath our rocking chair. I just assumed that Kelsie had been playing with water, and that she accidentally spilled some. Oh, how I only wish that could have been the case.

As the day wore on I couldn't help but notice more wet spots in the carpet. Not having any shoes on, I also started noticing that footprints were indenting in the carpet everytime I took a step. When I put two and two together, I figured out that this was the beginning of a flood. (homeownership stinks as I mentioned a few months ago as we were dealing with frozen pipes) Anyway back to the story. So, I had no idea who to call, what to do, where to start in even attempting to get this problem taken care of. It dawned on me that maybe I should start with my insurance company. After talking with several agents and wasting too much time on the phone it was apparent to me that we were on our own with this matter. Our insurance policy does not cover flood damage, and as one of the agents nicely put it. "this damage was caused because of normal wear and tear." Normal wear and tear? I don't think so. Our outside storm drains were backed up, the drains weren't draining properly to begin with, and this is just normal wear and tear? I was so annoyed, and then to top it off, the insurance company sends over a restoration company to see about drying the carpet to see if it can be salvaged or not. What a waste of time that was. After two men show up from this company, they let me know that it will be an estimated cost of $2000 to dry out the carpet, run a de-humidifier, and pull up the carpet if they need to. I nicely sent them on their merry way home, and told them that I would go ahead and fix the problem myself. I headed over to every woman's favorite store Home Depot and rented some carpet dryers, and purchased a shop vac to see if we couldn't get some of the water up from the floor.

I was driving home it was still raining very heavily, and I was so stressed out with the whole day of unfortunate events. Kevin of course was still at work, and I was trying to deal with this problem on my own. It was a pain in the butt to say the least.

Kelsie had been over at one of her friends houses playing, and as I arrived to pick her up my friend mentioned to me that her husband may be able to come and help me clean up some of the water. I thought that sounded awesome, and headed home.

As I came in my house there was a message on my answering machine from another guy in my ward who said that he was also on his way over to come and help as well. I couldn't believe my ears. I had only told one person abouf the problem and now more help was on its way.

I had four people who gave up their Friday night to come over to help me. I couldn't believe it. Not only did they help fix the drains outside, they helped pull up the carpet, they helped get water off of the floor, they helped move furniture off of the wet carpet, and just went above and beyond the call of duty.

Kevin has been working like a mad man, and finally arrived home after a long day of work. I felt bad that he had to come home to a flood instead of being able to sit and relax . I was so grateful that he didn't have to deal with this problem on his own.

I can't say enough about this ward, and they really are like family. A special thanks to Blake, Caleb, Joel, and Brants. You guys are awesome!

Now onto searching for carpet deals, anyone know of any?


The Karrens said...

Oh how I wish I could have been there to help. Hope that cleanup goes well. We have such a great ward and I am glad that you had help.

Troop 442 said...

Wow!!! Talk about exhausting!!! I'm tired just reading about it! I'm so glad that you have a wonderful ward to take care of you guys. Isn't the gospel, in all of its elements, wonderful?

Nashville Stolle said...

Wow... Need I say more? I do hear that Empire is usually the best bet for carpet- at least it is only one room right?

Anonymous said...

I think that you did the right thing. I'm glad that you're blessed to live in such a good ward, and that you had so much help. It seems like $2000 would put you well on your way to re-carpeting. I hope al else is well.

The Cobells said...

OH My Gosh Tricia, that is so crazy. I am so glad that you have a great ward to help you out.

Marcy and Isaac said...

I'm sorry about the flood. That really stinks. Maybe you should use this as an opportunity to transform that room into a giant inflatable room where your kids can release all their energy. ;)