You couldn't ask for better babies than Leah and Audrey. These two little girls are nothing but sweet. We have learned a lot in raising twins. We are still far from experts and are still learning things as we go along but it is definitely getting easier. Those first few months were a little rocky. I think now that we finally have their schedules figured out we are good to go.
I mentioned before that Leah is now the bigger one. At their six month check-up Leah weighed 16 1/2 pounds and Audrey isn't too far behind her, weighing in at 16 1/4 pounds. They are almost exactly identical in their length (tall like our other girls)
Here are a few random facts about the girls:
Here are a few random facts about the girls:
has recently discovered baby food and can't get enough of it. Eating has become her favorite pastime
Is not getting any teeth as of yet
can almost sit up
is pretty good at rolling over
mastered sleeping through the night at 2 months old. Sleeping from 7:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m.
is such a happy baby, she rarely cries and is so good to just play by herself
can smile and laugh
she has the cutest dimples and the cutest button nose
recently has discovered that she likes eating her toes
provides lots of entertainment to her family, and we love her TONS!
What? big sister can almost roll over? Not me, I have no interest in that. I am busy with other thingsalso has mastered sleeping through the night at 2 months old, same schedule as her sister
does not enjoy baby food, and prefers bottles
loves to be held, and is highly jealous if you hold her sister instead of her
sucks her thumb
is getting her two bottom teeth
can smile and laugh
also provides a lot of enjoyment to her family.
We are so lucky to have these little girls in our family, we have been blessed in so many ways. It always makes me so happy to walk into the twins room in the morning when they first wake-up. They never cry and just wait patiently for me to get them out of bed. I love that! I love being their Mom!
Oh my word, they are the most precious things! I wish i could see them they have grown so much!
Has it really been that long? Time flies! We'll come visiting soon! I have to see all your cute girls and maybe we can get Kelsey to make Rowan roll with laughter like she does to her little sisters!
Trish, I can't believe it has been 6 months. I think your twins look just like Kelsey.
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