The sky during the "tornado watch"
people tell me that you can just tell by the sky when a tornado is on the way.
Also you can tell by the air.
The branch that fell onto our driveway
(Notice Kevin in the middle of the street retreaving one of our garbage cans.)
The other one is down quite a bit further.
One of the main reasons I didn't want to move to Tennessee was because of the tornados. Kevin assured me that they were pretty rare, and there wouldn't be much to worry about. After a couple of days of living in this house, one of my neighbors came over and told me to take a look at one of the trees in our backyard. He then went on to tell me about the tornado that had come only a few years prior. It completely destroyed the house across the street from us, took off several roofs of homes in our neighborhood but for some reason our house was untouched. The only damage the tornado did was put a hole in one of the trees in our backyard. Sounds like nothing much to worry about right? The other day we had what's called a tornado watch. The winds were blowing pretty strong, and the air outside was so warm. One of my friends who lives about 45 minutes away called to tell me that her house was shaking. Both of us being from Utah were trying to sound calm and confident that we knew just what to do in case of a tornado. It was obvious that neither of us had a clue. I had been out shopping just minutes prior if that tells you anything. My experienced Tennessee neighbor called me and told me that I needed to stay inside. She had seen me leave, and wanted to make sure that I had made it home safely. Anyway, it was quite the experience. I didn't feel the house shake or anything, it was just more windy than anything. One of the branches from our tree in the front yard fell across our driveway, and our garbage cans were blown quite a distance down the hill. Other than that it wasn't too bad. I still get nervous just thinking about what could happen though.
Uh, WOW! Thats scary Trish I'm glad that you are ok though.
Coming from earthquake country, at least I can say that you have somewhat of a warning when there is the possibility of a tornado. I guess you can't get away from everything! :(
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