I am so angry with myself right now I could scream! In fact, I am screaming writing this. Today was one of those days when I just needed to stay home and do NOTHING but today was my doctor's appointment so I ventured out. My doctor's appointment went okay. Nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that I am elephant size and measuring the size of a normal 39 week pregnant woman but no big deal right? That only means that by the time I have these babies I will be two months overdue by the rate I am growing. My whole ride home was just depressing as I was thinking about how large I am, and how I can no longer see my feet or get dressed with out killing myself. I picked up my girls at the babysitters house, loaded them up in the car, and headed down the dreaded driveway where a large metal mailbox stood. I heard a loud crunching sound and knew that my car was badly injured. I immediately got out of the car and stood there in disbelief as I saw the damage. WHY ME? WHY NOW? We are supposed to be selling this car so that we can get something bigger for these babies and now we get to pay to have this car fixed along with all of the other things that we need to buy for these babies. I am so stressed. The worst part is I have no idea how to break the news to Kevin. He has no idea that this happened, and post call days aren't exactly the days to break out the bad news. He might want to find a new wife after this I don't know or at least someone who knows how to drive.
Monday, September 15, 2008
watch out for that mailbox!
I am so angry with myself right now I could scream! In fact, I am screaming writing this. Today was one of those days when I just needed to stay home and do NOTHING but today was my doctor's appointment so I ventured out. My doctor's appointment went okay. Nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that I am elephant size and measuring the size of a normal 39 week pregnant woman but no big deal right? That only means that by the time I have these babies I will be two months overdue by the rate I am growing. My whole ride home was just depressing as I was thinking about how large I am, and how I can no longer see my feet or get dressed with out killing myself. I picked up my girls at the babysitters house, loaded them up in the car, and headed down the dreaded driveway where a large metal mailbox stood. I heard a loud crunching sound and knew that my car was badly injured. I immediately got out of the car and stood there in disbelief as I saw the damage. WHY ME? WHY NOW? We are supposed to be selling this car so that we can get something bigger for these babies and now we get to pay to have this car fixed along with all of the other things that we need to buy for these babies. I am so stressed. The worst part is I have no idea how to break the news to Kevin. He has no idea that this happened, and post call days aren't exactly the days to break out the bad news. He might want to find a new wife after this I don't know or at least someone who knows how to drive.
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Oh, man Trisha! That is terrible! I will say, I did some pretty interesting things with my pregnancy brain. I hit a pole when I was pregnant last time. You are not the only one. You poor thing! And doesn't the stress all happen at once? You think things can't get worse and then- of COURSE they do! HUGS! I know Kevin could never trade you in. You are too good of a wife and mom for him to ever want to do that. Even with a wrecked car. When it rains it pours. :(
I am so sorry. That sucks- I cant believe your still driving- I know sometimes you have to, I am a few weeks from not driving myself anywhere. Im just too big to fit behind the wheel. Im sure your husband wont take it as hard as you think. He knows its hard for you. Good luck with everything.
Yeah, after that nice post the other day about what you appreciate, I can't imagine that he will be too upset.
Sorry to hear about your stressful day.
shoot, I am so sorry, those dern mailboxes jumping out like that and attacking your car. Pooh on them. So sorry, I hope it goes okay with the telling all to Kevin and getting it fixed. sorry....
I know how you feel. Last spring I smashed into a maintenance vehicle on campus. I'm sorry to hear that things are so stressful for you right now. I hope that you'll stop being so hard on yourself.
Take care,
It's just a car, and you can't take it heaven with you. At least that's what I say to myself when I'm freaking out over the loss of something I love. Just count your blessings that it was just a mailbox and not a person, and that you, and your girls (all four of them) are okay. Insurance will take care of the rest!
PS... just tell him to read the blog that you uploaded some interesting photos...then you wont have to tell him yourself :)
Hey Trish. Ok. Everything is going to be fine. For a minute or two it might be a sad day at the Preece house, but these things just happen sometimes. Like the time I backed into my uncle's van that was RIGHT, DIRECTLY BEHIND ME or the time I was driving on the freeway and somehow managed to run over a steel pole (I had no idea) and the pole was impaled in my back bumper.....ya, I've done my share of dumb things too. You have to realize you are carrying 2 babies inside you! Seriously! Those 2 babies take up more of your mind and thoughts than you realize. Give yourself a break! You are doing the most important job in the world...raising your 2 girls and carrying 2 more girls, and being a wife to your hubby. Nothing is more important than that. You will get your body back (for the most part, anyway) and you will have 2 new little babies in just a little while! It will all be ok. Just breathe. Kevin loves you and so do your girls. You're doing great! Hang in there!
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