Our babies now officially have names. Twin A is going to be named Leah and twin B is going to be named Audrey. We always knew that if we had another girl that we would name her Leah. I have always loved that name, and it's also the name of my great-grandmother. As for the second name, Kevin and I have been discussing it for quite some time and just could not agree on a name. One night Kevin asked me about the name Audrey and it just seemed to fit. We had a little girl that we taught in nursery named Audrey and she was just the sweetest thing ever. Our families aren't too excited about the name Audrey especially Kevin's Grandma but sorry that's the name folks like it or not.
My doctor's appointment went very well today. I had another ultrasound and both babies are doing well, and are growing rapidly. The girls now weigh almost four pounds each, and I am about 32 weeks along. My doctor seems to think that the babies are going to be large in size when they are born, and things should go as planned for me to have two healthy babies which I am so grateful for. I am hoping to make it to 38 weeks which only gives me about 6 weeks to go. I have so much to do in such a short time so I really need to start getting things ready.
hi trisha, you don't know me...i am a friend of alex's and just like following along b/c i had twins 4 years ago. just wanted to say they may be wrong about their size. nearly everyone in my multiples group were either a pound larger or smaller than they said they would be...mostly smaller. my boys were born at 31 weeks and weighed 3.7 and 3.10. they thought they would only be in the 2 lb range. good luck...nice pics!
Awesome! They are very cute. I love how twin B (aka:audrey) is showing off her guns. I'm glad things are going so well and they are so healthy.
Oh man, that is so scary about Alyssa. So glad she finally made it home safely.
Those names are so cute, picking out names was hard for Ramsey and I too Johnathan didnt have a name for 2 days
Hey trisha- I havent heard from you and was wondering if you had those little ones. Im glad to see you havent yet. How stinkin cute are they!!! I love it. I go in on thursday for another ultrasound and hopefully find out how big my boys are. Your pics just get me way excited. We had FHE last night since we are all home on sunday, Well for the activity I decided to discuss baby names. The kids loved it- my husband laughed and rolled his eyes, he knew that it was the only way I could get him to talk about it. Conclusion- we still have no names!! AAAHHHH! Its ok we still have a couple months. Anyway- Im glad they are growing so healthy. I hope you are doing good also, it is so tough!! talk to you later.
They are already adorable! I can't wait to meet little miss Leah and Audrey! :) Take care of yourself sis! Lub Your guts!
I don't know what changed, but I can read your blog again without it kicking me off. Trisha Alyssa is so big. Her hair is getting so long. Six weeks left. That is unbelievable. I'll call ya soon.
Hey Trish you look so cute prego!! I miss ya so much!! I can't believe you are almost due the time sure did fly!! I can't wait to see the babies!!Miss you guys!!
I love the names. They are unique and so cute. They are your kids and no one should have any say in names but you. I am glad that everything is going well. Looking forward to Friday!
I'm glad that all is well with your babies. Good luck getting everything ready!
Oh, how cute! I will be ready and waiting for the post that says they are here! And I love both names. They are perfect. I have always wanted to name a daughter Leah, too bad I have a picky husband. (grumble, grumble)Oh, well. So excited for you!
Awesome, Trisha!! Wow!! I can't believe only 6 weeks there. It seriously will be here before you know it! Take it easy from here on out and let people do things for you if you need help. (Not that you would because you are super mom, but just incase). Start making a list of those you know you can call on for help once those babies get here, becase in one way or another you'll need it! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see them! Call or email if you need anything!
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