Kelsie is getting funnier by the minute. She has learned to spell both her first and last name, and is constantly repeating the letters over and over. She has also learned to write several letters of the alphabet. She is so smart like her sister.
The other night at dinner we were having potatoes. She ate every bite, and was quick to ask for more potatas in a true southern style. It was hilarious! Our girls love their potatas and biscuits that's for sure!
Kelsie's dinner prayer last night went a little like this. Please bless that we can go to Target on Thursday. Please bless that we can go to Sister Rickard's on Tuesday. (Sister. Rickard is a lady in our ward who has a pool, and we have been swimming at her house all summer) Please bless that we can go to church on Saturday, and please bless Alyssa that she can go to school. SO CUTE!
Last but not least, Kelsie loves to be the boss especially of her big sister. Our bishop encouraged us on Sunday to not watch as much TV, and so I was telling the girls that we should limit our television. Alyssa really wanted to watch a cartoon that was on, and Kelsie quickly said "The bishop said to not watch TV, are you just going to watch TV all day?"
Thank heaven for little girls. I can't imagine my life without them!