Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I've been thinking lately about simplicity, it's true that life really doesn't need to be so complicated but yet we tend to make it that way. We think our children need to be involved in everything under the sun but what we really need are more simple, quiet moments. Speaking of simplicity, I just have to tell you this story.

So Alyssa has been in school now for almost three weeks. Instead of complaining about how early she wakes up, she's always happy in the mornings and ready to start a new day. She takes a home lunch every day which consists of a peanut butter sandwich, a capri sun, some pretzels, sometimes yogurt, and then some other little snack. I have tried to make her different kinds of sandwiches but she insists on peanut butter. The other day, Alyssa is talking out loud to Kelsie and Kevin about how a smashed peanut butter sandwich tastes the same as a non-smashed sandwich. I ask her if her sandwich from lunch was smashed, and she then tells me that her sandwich has been smashed every day since school started. The crazy girl never even bothered to tell me that her sandwich was getting smashed every day. Apparently the soft lunchbox that we bought her this year wasn't working as well as the hard back lunch box that we used last year. Problem solved and I starting making her lunch in her old lunch box, no more squished sandwiches. What I love so much about Alyssa is her sweet personality. She sees the good in every situation and rarely complains. A simple peanut butter sandwhich and she is happy as a clam. I can't put cute love notes in her lunch box anymore, apparently that's not cool anymore but she does tell me outloud that she loves me, and that's all that matters.


Anonymous said...

sweet :)
Damian still likes it when I put notes in his home lunches.

Astill Princesses said...

I miss that sweet little girl so much. Each time Rylee has a new friend over when they leave. All I can do is think how much I wish it had been Alyssa at my house. instead of the child who really was there. Thats awful I know. You guys have been gone for over a year. She'll always be my favorite I just know it.