Sunday, March 1, 2009

sisterly love

Can I just tell you how much these little babies love Kelsie! I am not just saying this, I mean it! You would think they would get annoyed with Kelsie constantly being in their faces, shaking them while they are sitting in their car seats, standing on their cribs talking to them, but NO they just screech with delight everytime she is near.

Today I came into the kitchen and found Audrey laughing out loud. This is the first time that she has laughed and I immediately ran for the camera. Maybe she was laughing at the fact that kelsie doesn't have a voice but either way, she was having the time of her life. Enjoy the video.


Chantelle said...

This is so cute

Karen said...

Oh what wonders a smile and laugh can give! Thank goodness for big sisters! I love it when my kids get along.

Diana Sims said...

That is really cute! Your little girls (all 4 of them) are real dolls!

Mark and Janelle said...

Hey for some reason Tyler thinks that Shaylee is the funniest person ever. I really don't know what it is, but as long as they are happy. I am so excited that you are coming out I can't wait to meet those little babies!