When severe weather brings school closings, you need to be prepared. That's the heading that we read on the local news website. Are you kidding me? This is considered severe weather? Alyssa couldn't go to school today because school was canceled. Apparently Alyssa hasn't been having recess either because it's been "TOO COLD" outside. Tennessee has no idea what bad weather looks like. Even in Utah it wasn't uncommon for the kids to go to school with several inches of snow on the ground. We got a good laugh today that's for sure!
Yeah, we get the same thing here. If they even suspect that it will snow, school is canceled. Ethan has been having indoor recesses for awhile, but at least those make sense-they on;y occur on the days the kids will get soaking wet in the rain. I remember standing in 6 to 8 inches of new snow waiting for the bus-the bus that couldn't even make it up the drive way to Indian Hills, the kids would have to get out at the bottom of the hill and walk up. And they still didn't cancel.
That is pretty funny. Hope you guys are doing well.
ha ha ha what great bad weather.... Miss you glad things are going well and i am glad Thanksgiving went "well" also!
Okay I thought they were bad in Ohio. If they get 1/2 inch of snow school is canceled. You have it worse though. Especially is Alyssa doesn't even need a jacket!
I know I know it seems odd, the biggest problem here is the ice. We get black ice. Where is freezes, thaws then freezes harder. It's pretty bad this time of year. There is also quite a few "outside city limits" students they have to consider that may or may not be able to get home due to ice. A couple of years ago the didn't cancel school and there were some students that were stuck at school till after 6pm. Because people here don't know how to act when the white cold stuff hits and sticks.
Leon grew up in Utah and my family is from Big Bear/Lake Arrowhead where school wasn't closed unless the plows couldn't get trough....very rarely did the plows not make it through. ...
PS I can remember in Southern California where I went to High School they called school off due to high winds...yeah wind days...
That is crazy...man I prayed for cancellation of school--it never happened, they cancelled church once, only once and that was when we had several feet of snow and everyone was up shoveling snow off of their roofs so they wouldn't cave in.
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