Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's been about a month or so now since Leah has discovered how to climb stairs, and since this video, she is much faster at doing it now. Audrey doesn't quite know how to climb stairs yet, she only knows how to fall down them. I am not sure what I will do when both of them start wanting to climb. I feel like I am constantly chasing after them as it is, and already they are into EVERYTHING!

Church is quite the experience these days because of course they just want to explore everyone and everything around them. In Sunday school a few weeks ago, they were underneath a ward member's chair who we didn't know at all. He sat there patiently as two babies were pulling on his pant leg, and crawling all around him. He didn't seem to annoyed with them which was nice.

Grocery shopping is getting easier as well, and I am in love with the shopping carts that look like cars because they have two seats in the front for the babies to ride. It works out a lot better than having to take the stroller plus a grocery cart around the store.

We have almost survived the first year with these two, I can't believe it! What a crazy but fun journey it's been.


Mark and Janelle said...

Hey Trisha I totally know the feeling about in church, but you have in 2's. I swear though Ty was so much easier when he just crawled. I feel like I run laps around the church building every Sunday because I turn my back and he's gone. Hope you guys are doing well we miss you and love you!

Karen said...

I second the love of car shopping carts! Enjoying the first year with twins has to be a major feat. I am always glad for an adorable friend to play with during Sunday School too. They are beautiful!

Traylor Family said...

Those carts were made for moms with twins and to torture moms like mom. I HATE those things. Too soon my little guy will be sitting up enough to ride in them. I can't believe they'll be ONE in a few weeks!!!!