I want to start singing the song from Rocky. You know the one, "It's the final countdown?" I am 33 weeks along tomorrow and boy am I feeling it. I haven't been able to see my toes now for quite some time, sleeping is pretty much non-existent, backaches are intense, contractions are coming more regularly, and the anxiety is starting to set in about having two new babies in our house. I can't believe that the time is here, and that we are really going to be the parents of twins. We are finishing up the last minute things like getting the nursery ready, the car seats, trying to figure out how we are going to afford a bigger vehicle, putting together the list of who we are going to call when I go into labor, etc. etc.
Kelsie and I have been going through baby clothes. She loves looking at them as much as I do. With two girls already, we really had enough clothes. But of course twins are an exception and I figured that they needed some cute matching outfits of their own. I had to lay out everything on the couch tonight to figure out what they are going to wear home from the hospital. I know it probably sounds pathetic but I am a little excited can you tell?
Time will tell, I guess when these babies will come. Who knows when it will be? We can't wait to see them.
Oh, Trisha, you are so cute! I can't believe you're almost there. Love the matching stuff - you, Alyssa, and Keslie will make sure those girls are stylin'.
congrats on almost being done! you are going to be the best mom of twins, plus two other girls!
Look at all that fun stuff! You are set! Hang in there, and don't be afraid just to totally take it easy. You owe it to yourself and the babies! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see them!
I always feel ready to be done when I get that close but I can't even imagine what it would be like with two. You will be great!!
You look tiny in that picture.
You look great! You have two of the most beautiful girls already. I can't wait to see these new sweet babies. Love ya lots
Trisha- you look so good! I know you dont think you do- but you really do. Im so excited for you to be almost done with the pregnancy. The Dr. had told me we were having at least one girl at first and it made me excited I bought some of the same cute clothes you did. I returned them after we found out they were boys! I found some cut ethings for them too though.
you look so cute! You don't look that big at all. I can't wait to see those cute little girls. You will do great.
Aw I can tell you are SO excited! I can't wait to hear all about the new little ones. You look great by the way!
I'm feeling ready too - ready to not be in the bathroom constantly and ready to not have my back hurt all the time. I'm sure you'll have yours before I do - lucky lady! You look great!
Oh trish you look so stinkin cute you hot pregnant momma you!! I wish I could see your bell bell in real life... :( kinda sad... But you've almost made it hooray!
Oh man, it is getting exciting...and you look great! Seriously, you have a cute pregnant belly! I love all the cute clothes, I just put away the
0-3 month clothes (that was a little sad) Yeah!!!
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