I want to start singing the song from Rocky. You know the one, "It's the final countdown?" I am 33 weeks along tomorrow and boy am I feeling it. I haven't been able to see my toes now for quite some time, sleeping is pretty much non-existent, backaches are intense, contractions are coming more regularly, and the anxiety is starting to set in about having two new babies in our house. I can't believe that the time is here, and that we are really going to be the parents of twins. We are finishing up the last minute things like getting the nursery ready, the car seats, trying to figure out how we are going to afford a bigger vehicle, putting together the list of who we are going to call when I go into labor, etc. etc.
Kelsie and I have been going through baby clothes. She loves looking at them as much as I do. With two girls already, we really had enough clothes. But of course twins are an exception and I figured that they needed some cute matching outfits of their own. I had to lay out everything on the couch tonight to figure out what they are going to wear home from the hospital. I know it probably sounds pathetic but I am a little excited can you tell?
Time will tell, I guess when these babies will come. Who knows when it will be? We can't wait to see them.