Today is our nine year anniversary. I can't believe that nine years have already come and gone. I am grateful to be married to Kevin, he is the most incredible human being that I know. As poor newlyweds to poor students to poor residents we have survived through thick and thin. I am thankful for his love and continuous support! I thought that it would be fun to post some pictures of us as newlyweds. We look so young, what happened? So here is some little trivia about Kevin and I. Some of the details you may already know, some may surprise you!
How long have you been married? 9 beautiful years today, we were married July 10, 1999
How long did you date? 2 months, and yes I will make all four of my daughters date their spouses for longer than that.
How long were you engaged? 2 months
How old is he? 30
Who eats more? Who do you think? Of course the pregnant lady carrying twins!
Who said I love you first? I am pretty sure that he did
Who's family sees you more?Well since we no longer live in Utah we don't see either of our families right now. We are hoping to see them soon!
Who's family sees you more?Well since we no longer live in Utah we don't see either of our families right now. We are hoping to see them soon!
Who is taller?I am taller, I am 5"10 which Kevin always claims to be but I really think that he's 5"9. (don't tell him that I told you that.)
Who sings better? definitely Kevin
Who is smarter? Kevin for sure, he has the brains in the family!
Who does the laundry? All me, and I prefer it this way. He can put it away but I like to wash the clothes.
Who does the dishes? We both do!
Who pays the bills?We both do. I try to keep a budget but do the majority of the spending.
Who mows the lawn? He does, only because our lawn is huge. I tried to do it and it just about killed me over.
Who cooks dinner? I do
Who drives when you are together? Kevin does, he can't stand the way I drive for some reason! Who is more stubborn? Both of us are stubborn which makes for some difficult times!
Who kissed who first? I kissed him first while a cat was crawling up his leg!
Who wears the pants in the family? I think we share them equally... we each have a leg!
Oh my gosh, i did not know that you have a blog! that is so great! now i can get updates on your little family! congrats on all!
feel free to look at ours!
happy anniversary! 9 years way to go.
Trisha, I hadn't heard that your twins were girls. That's so exciting. Happy Anniversary to you guys. You are both such great people and I miss you. Your wedding pictures are so fun! What a beautiful pair you make.
Happy 9 years guys! That is awesome! We are coming up on our 6th this month. Time flies when you are having fun doesn't it. You look so happy together and it is great to see that you are both still so happy. Congrats!
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