You know the story about the old woman who lived in a shoe. Yeah, something about she had so many children and didn't know what to do? That's the theme around these parts. Four kids has been really busy that's for sure, and I am not quite sure how we are going to handle 5 or where we are going to sleep 5. What's it like having 5 kids anyway? I don't know, but I will you tell you in about 24 more weeks. What's it going to be like having a BOY around our house? Little Tanner won't know what to do with all of this estrogen, and I don't think that I remember how to take care of just one baby. Yes, it's just one baby this time!
We had an ultrasound yesterday, and things look good. Oh yeah, and Mom don't worry about my thyroid. That was all part of the plan to throw you off about why I have been so tired lately. This little man is to blame.

We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little guy!
Trisha, you are such a stinker!!! I would never have guessed. Well, probably eventually. You are a good secret keeper. Congratulations!!
Ya'd you keep this from me????????
Oh wait... are you going to say April fools in the morning?
Are you for real or is this an April Fool's joke.....kind of like Chalen's last year????????
hmmm this doesn't fit with conversations we have had in the past...
Holy Cow!
Funny Cami, but I actually WAS pregnant last year, just not as far a long as I said. Thus Olivia! Congrats Trish if you're not pullin' our legs!
Well congrats!
I will say to you what I said to Chalen 1 year ago today - April Fool's! Either you are playing a joke on us, or mother nature has played one on you! Either way, Happy April 1st! And a boy really would be fun...
I was thinking of doing the same joke, but my family would really believe me so I decided not to! :o) I don't believe any thing today! By the way Ramsey and I still talk about the joke we through on him years ago it was the best! I think he has finally forgiven me!!:o)
I totally forgot it was April Fool's Day!!! If it is a joke, watch out because you know how fast word travels around church circles, and you may have lots of explaining to do.
congrats! Whats one more really? They say you dont even notice after you have 4!
by the way, when you go private, I'd like an invite! andreasmith19(at)gmail(dot)com.
WHAT????????? For real?
AHHH and aren't you glad I didn't use Tanner like you asked me to... :D ... SO EXCITED!!!
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