It's been a few days now since we brought our girls home from the hospital and I am still in awe as I hold these two in my arms. What a miracle they truly are!
So labor began last Saturday night, I was having regular contractions about 15 minutes apart. Sunday all day was basically the same pattern. I was ready to go to the hospital but was told by my husband and my obstetrician that I needed to wait until the contractions were closer together. (sometimes it's hard being married to a doctor, they think they know everything.) So, as per both doctor's orders, I waited it out. By Monday morning the pain had intensified by 100% and I couldn't stand being in pain any longer. We headed for the hospital where the real fun began. I was dilated to a 5 by the time I got to the hospital and we knew then that this was the real deal. I was given an epidural by Kevin's resident which I was so grateful for. (I love anesthesiologists, I guess that's why I am married to one.) I slept most of the way through labor which lasted about nine hours. When it was time to deliver, they got me ready to take to the OR just in case there was chance of needing a c-section. On the way to the OR Leah was ready to make her debut and was born in the hallway. When we finally made it into the OR it was time to deliver baby number 2, and Audrey made her debut 25 minutes later. It was just a great experience all in all. I couldn't believe how easy it all was. Everything from the pregnancy to the delivery was great! Kevin and I kind of joked that it had to be easy to prepare us for how hard it would be to raise them. Let me just say it's true! The last few days have been quite challenging. Of course both babies have their nights and days mixed up. They have been sleeping all day, and then are awake all night. We get one fed and changed, go to lay them down, and then of course sister wakes up and we start the process all over. We will hopefully develop a schedule and it will all work out. Leah is definitely the peacemaker. Audrey is more high strung and wants to know that someone is with her at all times. Dad is adjusting to having all girls and he has been such a trooper in helping me take care of them. Alyssa and Kelsie are loving that they each get a baby to hold whenever they want to, and they have been such great helpers. We are not sure if our twins are identical or fraternal or not. I still have a hard time telling them apart, and have to ask Kevin who is who. You think that I could figure that out. I also can't tell their cries apart. The other night one of the babies was crying. I went into their room and picked up Leah who was dead asleep only to realize that it was Audrey who was crying. Hopefully I will get this all figured out soon. So that's what's going on in our house where everything is stirring even the mouse!
How are you so amazing? Have started scrubbing your house already too. Don't get me wrong I was so excited to see you had posted. Really though women you just had twins. Your so on top of things. Trisha there just beautiful. How are you feeling. Other then sleep deprived. Do they prefer to sleep together or apart? I sure love ya.
Trish--in the hallway!!! That is awesome, did Kevin get to deliver either of them? I am sorry that they are mixed up on the night and day thing, and well the whole first several weeks (or months) are just a blur, they really are the cutest babies ever and it is cute to hear about Alyssa and Kelsie each holding one.
I have wanted to call you so bad, but didn't want to interrupt a possible nap you tons!
Yay!!!!! I am so happy for you all. You are pretty amazing to be blogging already....
I can't wait to come see them again. I'll be over in a few days when your mom is gone so she can enjoy them.
Hey Trish- Im so glad everything went so well with everything. Im glad they are home with you! They are so beautiful. Makes me so excited. Keep me updated so I know how to do it, when its my turn in a few weeks.
I am glad that everything is sorta going well. They are just so precious and I think you are amazing.
It was so fun to see your girls tonight! They are beautiful!
Wow, it's so good to hear the story. I can't believe it! You are so awesome. They are so stinkin' adorable! I want to hold them! Aren't you making a trip back to Utah soon? We miss you guys, take care.
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