I knew we were in for some real fun weather when last Thursday the school called to say that school would be closed on Friday for "severe cold weather." I was sure that extreme cold weather was just going to be another perfectly sunny day. Boy was I wrong! In parts of Tennessee on Friday morning it was 0 degrees plus the wind chill. It was so cold outside!!!Anyway, back to the story. Friday morning we woke up and had absolutely NO running water in our entire house. I immediately called Kevin at work and asked him what I needed to do. We both kind of were dumb founded and really didn't have a clue. The ironic part of this whole experience is that I am the emergency preparedness specialist in my ward and let's just say I was unprepared for this situation in every way possible. I had no water storage for back-up, I had no idea where the outside pipes were, I was just clueless! I ran to the grocery store in the freezing cold to stock up on water. I mentioned to the sales clerk at the store that our pipes were frozen and he immediately replied "oh you must not be from around here." Good guess how can you tell?
To make a long story short, we now have water. We have never been happier to see running water coming out of our taps.
I am so grateful for Brother Rose who is a member of our stake. He is a handy man and knows how to fix everything. He was at our house today from 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. He charged us $66.00 and that was only because he bought a replacement part for us. He wanted absolutely nothing in payment for labor for over nine hours of work. (Most of which he spent down in our crawl space.) Thank you so much Brother Rose!
I am going to go soak in the bathtub and enjoy my water. Something that should never again be taken fore granted.
Our apartments have signs as you pull in. We have to leave our water dripping 24/7 right now. At night it's pretty annoying to listen to it dripping. I guess what they say about water torture make sense.
I'm glad everything worked out for you and that it wasn't worse. My friend Amy had her pipes freeze last month and it was a lot more expensive to have it repaired.
That sucks!! as if you had nothing better to do with your time. Im glad you have a nice helpful handyman in your ward who can help out when your hubby is busy at work. Oh ya- and just think how well you are going to do your calling as the emergency preparedness specialist after having to learn the hard way=0). Im sure you will always have water on hand now. LOL- good luck!!
Ugh! That sounds so cold and awful!! We were warned to leave our water on and brushed it off. When the kitchen water didn't work in the kitchen one morning we immediately turned it on downstairs! However, now that I think of it, it's not on anymore! I better go do that!
It's been eons! I miss ya and think about you a lot. Which may be surprising since it's been forever. I must be the worst friend.
Trisha to get to you Utah you should take Kevin's train/truck that he parks under Dale's house. I'm sure he would consent to let you use it ;)
Oh man, I am so sorry about the frozen pipes, that sucks. I am so glad you had someone you can trust that was so nice to come fix things for you!
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