This is part of my journal entry from April 2, 2007
It's crazy how in a split second your life can change. One minute you are enjoying your life thinking about how perfectly things are going, and the next minute you are finding out that you are going to undergo brain surgery. Hearing the word "tumor" really shakes you up a bit.
Long story short, I had brain surgery on May 2, 2007 to remove a fairly large tumor that was growing on my pituitary gland. Because of the symptoms I was experiencing at the time I was told by my smart husband what tests I needed to have my doctor order, in particular my prolactin levels. Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. Prolactin stimulates lactation (milk production). It also has many other functions, including essential roles in the maintenance of the immune system. In my case I was still secreting milk even though I had not been nursing a baby in over a year. It's fairly common for nursing mothers to get benign tumors on their pituitary glands. In most cases the tumors will go away after nursing stops. With my tumor it didn't go away, and just kept growing. I immediately found a neuro-surgeon who felt that it would be best to go ahead and have the tumor surgically removed.
I remember clearly sitting in the neurosurgeon's office and asking him specifically if I would be able to see my husband graduate from medical school, and also if I would be able to raise my children. He assured me that everything would be okay. I trusted in his care and knew that I was in the best hands possible.
During this time I was given a blessing by my husband and in the blessing he told me that Heavenly Father was aware of what I was going through, and blessed me that I would be able to go through this trial. He also blessed me that I would feel peace and I will never forget the sense of peace that was with me throughout the upcoming weeks leading up to the surgery.
The surgery went smoothly and the neurosurgeon really felt as though he was able to remove all of the tumor. Last year about this time I had a follow-up MRI done which revealed some residual tissue. Doctor's weren't sure if it was just scar tissue from the surgery or if it was still part of the tumor. I didn't worry much about it and just went on with my life. I kind of figured that I would just have my babies and worry about doing another follow up MRI after they were born.
My follow-up MRI was yesterday and it looks like the tumor is back. I am not sure yet if this is going to require another surgery but I kind of have a feeling that it just may. I am nervous about it all just like I was in the beginning. I feel like I can't possibly go through another surgery especially while trying to take care of four children.
Another journal entry after my first brain surgery I wrote this:
This whole experience of having a brain tumor and going through a major surgery has really made me rethink a lot of things. I've said it a million times, and I'll say it a million more. " I feel that I have been given a second chance." The next half of my life is going to be great. I am going to do all that I can to continue being a great person. Life is too short to be unhappy, and I am just grateful to be alive. Life is great and is so worth living. We have more family memories to make, more birthday parties to plan, more summer activities, more walks in the rain, more picnics, more water balloon fights, more Old Maid games to play, more funny stories at dinner time, more listening to Old McDonald for the billionth time in the car, more hand prints all over the walls. All of these things and more are what really matters the most.
I will keep you all posted in the upcoming weeks once I find out what is going to happen next!
Will be thinking about you and praying that everything will go well.
Trisha - I hope you don't mind, I just discovered your blog while looking at someone else's. Congrats on graduating and the twins and all that! I am thinking of you and hoping that everything will work out for you and your wonderful family!
I'll be thinking of you. you'll be in our prayers. good luck with all the babies- they are adorable. you can do it!
My dearest Sissy.. Hey Trish I have been thinking about you alot today after Mom told me the news. I don't really know what to say, I wish you didnt have to go through this again, but I know there must be some reason. Stay strong. I admire your courage and your wonderful mother abilities, you are my role model and I love you more than you will ever know! Everything will be okay! Muah!
By the way Dr. Wahlen was telling me today of an endocrinologist that is phenomenal at vanderbilt her dad went to school with him. David Ohmn or something like that. I will keep you in my prayers!
Love, Apes
Trisha, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I love you & will keep your family in my thoughts & prayers.
I am sorry to hear your news. Our prayers are with you. Keep us updated.
You are in our prayers
I am sorry to hear this news, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Trisha- I am so sorry! I know that it is such a stress just waiting to figure out whats next. Stay strong and positive. My prayers will be for you and your family. I admire you so much. Keep us informed.
You sound like you are taking everything very well. I will add my prayers to everyone else's.
Trisha, I just wish you the best and wish you courage as you go through all of these things. I'll be thinking of you and you will be in our prayers as well. Love always!
We will be praying for you and your family.
Trisha, I have been thinking about you. You are such a great example to me and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
We will be praying for you.
Oh Trish,
I am so glad we got to talk--sorry if I kept you up, sleep is so valuable...I am also so sorry for the not-welcome news. Seriously, can it stop 'raining' yet?! I love you so much and can't stop thinking about you and I have had you in my prayers. I love you so much and value our friendship more than words can say. Please keep us updated and we are thinking of you and Kevin and the girls
Trisha- I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Please know that you have many people to help in anyway possible. Our prays are with you!
Trish, I was so sad to hear this... me and my family love you and I am sure you will be hearing from my mom really soon. I wish you the best and you are in my thoughts!
Trisha, You'll be in my prayers! I wish I was close enough to come make myself useful to you. Please call if you just need to talk or if I can do anything. I'll call you soon. Love you and miss you!
I knew there was a reason I was thinking about you. Im so sorry:( Just remember god only gives you what you can handle, Even though sometimes it seems sooo hard. Hang in there. You will be in my prayers. I love you!
I will be calling you and coming over to help. Make a list of "to do's"!
All the Roses will be praying and fasting for you and your family.
Hugs Trisha! I feel everything will be okay. My sister in law is recovery from a pretty invasive brain surgery for her tumor and it has been scary for all involved. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be the one going through it. We are grateful she was able to have the surgery when we thought it was inoperable. It is so hard to think of another surgery and the recovery is difficult, but you need to be sure you take care of yourself for the long term. And I know you all know this. Your family is in our prayers!
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