We own a house now, we feel like adults finally! After eight years of living in a cinder block shack, we are moving on to bigger and better things. We looked at about eighteen houses and liked only a handful of those. Finally the last house we looked at we fell in love with. Everything about the house is perfect. It has the perfect yard, perfect porch, perfect trees, perfect area of town, perfect interior, and most of all the perfect place to raise four kids. We put in an offer on the day that we looked at the house. The next day, our realtor called and said that the offer had been accepted. I can't believe it, a house that is ours!
Congratulations on your house! It looks awesome! It's so good that you guys are moving to a state with cheap real estate. What a great family home. I am so happy for you!
Hey Trisha, I saw your blog on Jessica's. I'm glad you have one, I hope you don't mind me checking it out. Your house looks so cool and HUGE. It's like a whole cinder block building. That will be so much fun to decorate!
A grownup house! How exciting! I want to be grown up like you some day!
Wow, I'm so excite for you and Kevin. A new house and twins!! Congrats. Oh, I found your blog from Jessica's, hope you don't mind. And Congratulations on being done with medical school! If only that were us. . . sigh. Good luck withe everything!
Trisha! I had no idea you had a blog, but I saw it on Chalen's site! Your home looks aweseom! That is so wonderful for you guys! How was Kevin's graduation party? My parents are moving, so we spent the whole day helping them out. Sorry we had to miss it! Congratulations to you all. How are you doing? I need to call so we can chat! XO
The house looks wonderful, Trisha! Good luck with your move. Thought you'd want to know that we ended up junking the car and bought a new one! Now that we are rich doctor's and all...:)
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