Monday, June 30, 2008
Oh what do you do in the Summertime?
We went to a pool party over the weekend. It was at Dr. Easdown's house, she is an anesthesiologist who Kevin will be working with. Her house was beautiful! Famous Dave's catered the food and it was so delicious!I love their corn bread muffins yum! The kids had a great time swimming and meeting some new friends. I was really impressed with the other residents who Kevin will be working with, they all seem like a great group of people.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I am a new consultant for Scentsy Candles

If you are looking for the best candles on earth, look no more! Scentsy candles are wickless, safe for kids, and smell great. As a new hostess, I am offering free shipping on orders $35 or more. You can order off of my website which is If you prefer, you can host a party and earn lots of free stuff. Just let me know if you have any questions.
Make life Scentsational with SCENTSY!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
These pesky bugs!
So when I was little, I suffered from mosquito bites like crazy. I would just itch them basically until I could itch no more. When we moved to Salt Lake I was so grateful that we didn't have mosquito's. Well, let's just say that we are making up for that now that we are in Tennessee. We not only have mosquito's but we have a lovely bug called chiggers. Chigger bites are awful to say the least. At first I was convinced that I had chicken pox or something of that nature. I had no idea even what a chigger was. I also wasn't aware that you cannot sit on the grass here because of chiggers. (that would have been nice to know) I had to look up exactly how you describe chiggers and this is what I found along with some pictures of them. Common chiggers, also known as “jiggers” and “redbugs,” are tiny pests which belie their size in the amount of torment they cause humans. Chiggers attach themselves to tender skin areas to feed. The bites cause intense itching and small reddish welts. Because chiggers are so small, they are hard to avoid. Most persons cannot see them without a magnifying glass and so the bites may be the only indication that the bugs have infested a certain area. My poor girls also have these bites all over their bodies. Kelsie made up a song about chiggers. It goes something like this:
I have chiggers, yeah yeah yeah
I like chiggers, yeah yeah yeah
She is a little on the not so normal side if you ask me. Chiggers a
I have chiggers, yeah yeah yeah
I like chiggers, yeah yeah yeah
She is a little on the not so normal side if you ask me. Chiggers a

Thursday, June 19, 2008
We made it!
Well we are finally getting settled into our new home, and things are going well. The first day we arrived here it was 94 degrees with about 99% humidity. Alyssa got off the plane and the first thing she said was,"It's hot here, I want to go back to Utah." My thoughts exactly. Luckily, it was just record heat for this time of year, and it has been a lot cooler ever since. We have learned a lot being first time homeowners. It's a lot easier having maintenance around when you have a problem. For some reason, when they remodeled our house tey decided that they needed to cut the phone and cable lines. It was a mess getting that taken care of but it's finally fixed. We love the house, and the kids love the house. They just run around, and play outside and are in heaven. Of course we miss everyone in Utah!
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