I have officially survived one week of radiation. What a week it has been. I feel like I have been pretty much living in the radiation oncology department. I have to go Monday-Friday and luckily have weekends and holidays off. It's not as bad as I imagined it to be and not painful at all. I had heard a lot of horror stories about radiation. You know the stories, My friends cousins husband's wife had radiation and her face got burned so bad that you couldn't even recognize her afterwards. Yes, those kids of stories. Everyone always has a story don't they? Well, so far no burns, no vomiting, and no hair loss. I have felt a little more run down than usual, and my eyes seem dry. Other than that, really I don't have much to complain about.
I have met some incredible people in the radiation oncology department. It's surprisingly a really good place to hear some incredible stories of courage and endurance. As I have talked to many patients this week, we have all come up with the same conclusion. What gets us through this is our attitude. We have to remain positive and have faith that things are going to work out. Sometimes that's hard to do, but I know there is a lot of truth to that.
I am really hopeful that this will be the last of my treatment as it is really the last resort. I will continue radiation through the first week of January, and then will have an MRI in the spring to see if this worked or not. By the time we find out the results, we will have been going at this for three years. I was diagonosed with the tumor on Alyssa's 5th birthday and it would be so nice to have it gone by her 8th birthday.
Radiation has advanced tremendoulsy, and there are so many complex procedures to ensure that they are only getting the radiation to the exact location that they are wanting. What I am having done is called fractionated radiation. Instead of one large dose of radiation, I am having several small doses over six weeks of time. I wear a mesh mask over my face which looks awesome by the way, and then I lay on a table for about 20 minutes while some x-rays and radiation beams are shooting into my body. It's hard to describe the feeling after radiation. It's a lot like having the life zapped out of you. As soon as I start walking out to my car, I feel normal again.
Trisha, you are amazing. I am praying for you every day!
You're my hero. I'm excited to see you on Tuesday.
I don't know if I would be able to hand reading it if I was actually experiencing what you are, but I just read The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch - kind of his life thoughts as he faces terminal pancreatic cancer. It was so inspiring and made me think a lot about my priorities and life. I admire and love you, Trisha.
Nate was doing his own radiation treatment 7 years ago this month. I can't believe it was that long ago!! We heard a lot of horror stories too, but he didn't really have to many problems and had a funny spot on his leg that was tanner than everywhere else. Good luck with your continued treatment. We miss you guys!!
Trish I feel so bad for you i wish I could go to your appointments with you! I am praying for you everyday!! I love you and miss you more than you know!!
You are so amazing! You are such a wonderful mom to those cute girls and a wonderful friend. You Rock! You are so strong, I am praying for you.
Trisha, I am so sorry you are going through this. You are so strong and I have faith that things will work for you. My sister-in-law is on her 3rd year of cancer fighting and possibly more radiation as well and I hate seeing people go through this. It physically hurts to see and hear it. You are so loved by all who know you and you have so many prayers going out on your behalf.
I hope it all continues to go well for you!
I am glad to hear that you are taking it well, I love you so much and think of you daily. Thanks for giving me a good story about radiation... they have postponed my dad until Monday. (I am not looking for stories that you have shared ... no way no how!)
If you ever need anything, we'd be happy to do what we can
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