Monday, October 26, 2009

Aren't we all poor?

I know that a blog is probably not the most appropriate place to talk about finances but I am going to do it anyway mainly because I have had a lot on my mind lately regarding the subject.

As I was reflecting back on the last ten years of my life back to when Kevin and I were newlyweds and living on nothing but love, I realized that not a whole lot has changed. True, we now have four kids and have slightly aged but we are still living solely on love. I don't like to use the term "poor" because I don't feel like we have ever had to go without, but there have been times when I wished that we didn't have to worry whether we had a coupon or not.

I have been contemplating going back to work just to bring in some extra money. As I have been toiling with the idea about where I wanted to apply, and what I wanted to do, nothing seemed to come to mind. I wasn't sure about how the job would work out with Kevin's schedule since he is required to work some weekends but still I was heavily concerned with our financial well being.

After church yesterday I was set apart for my new calling as a visiting teaching supervisor, and just still was feeling a lot of stress about life. As the second counselor laid his hands upon my head, he gave me one of the neatest blessings. In the blessing he told me that the Lord wanted me to know that the most important place that I could be right now is home raising my girls, and that I needed to rely more on my husband. As he said that, in my heart I knew that what I am doing right now as a Mother is the most important job that I could be doing.

Fast forward to today; About an hour ago I received a phone call from one of my great friends, Sonya here in Tennessee. She said that she had been thinking about me all week, and that she felt like she needed to call and check up on me. She then asked me if she could pray with me over the phone. In her prayer she asked that my medical treatment would go well, and that the tumor would eventually shrink down in size. She blessed our family, and my husband, and then blessed that our financial situation would get better. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How would she know that our financial situation wasn't exactly the best? Sonya is not a member of the same church that I belong to and she wanted me to know that she was a firm believer in the power of prayer. I felt so moved by her prayer, and so touched that she would call to simply pray with me over the phone.

I feel so fortunate for all of the many blessings that I have been given, and I know that I have been given a lot. Where there's a will, there is a way. I don't know how it works out that we can survive on such a small amount each month but it does. I do look forward to having a real paycheck, but that will have to wait for about 2 1/2 years. For now, it's off to finding more great deals.


Joyce said...

Fast forward------we have been married 41 years, and are still living on love. The thing is, that love grows deeper and deeper each year, even when the pay checks don't. A little trust in our Heavenly Father goes a long way, and you are doing the right thing.

The Cobells said...

WOW, those are some amazing things that have happened to you. Hang in there Trisha

Camie said...

The lord knows what he wants you to do just trust in that. I know its hard I hate payday Fridays because there is nothing left after all the bills are payed it sucks.

Brianne said...

Life gets better after residency. Trust me. And sorry I haven't called you back yet. I will get on that!

Papa Paradigm said...

You are so patient! We sure wait a long time for the real paycheck to come in. I was just feeling kind of the same thing yesterday- I don't know if I can make it another 3 years, being so poor and never seeing my husband. Thanks for sharing your story-your faith strengthens me. We are rich in other things!

Katelyn Marie Taylor said...

i second that living on love part ... I am happy to hear that the support and answers you were looking for came so clear, i had a similar event sunday as wel;l after speaking with you about schooling and work. I am glad you let sonja say a prayer, it doesn't matter her faith, it's in the words what a sweety she must be

Jessica said...

That's awesome Trisha. What a great friend too to call you up and pray with you. I know that miracles happen and I have seen so many come about. My sister had her cancer screening and for the first time in 2 years they saw NO cancer!! I am so happy for her! She is also financially in trouble and is worried about that. But I feel that the Lord knows what she is going through and that it will work out. After Emily's hospital stay I know that the Lord's hand was helping her and that it happened at the right time for us to be able to bare it. Hugs to you! I know what it is like to think I could be doing more financially to help my family, but also feel that the Lord wants me right where I am. You are a GREAT mom!!