Friday, September 18, 2009

It's been 20 days since I have had any of this, and you know what? It hasn't been as bad coming off of caffeine as I thought that it would be. I seriously had an addiction that I knew I needed to break. I realized it was a bit of a problem when Kelsie wanted to drink it almost as much as I did. Well, we don't have any of it at our house anymore, and we are done drinking it. We now are Crystal light fans instead.

It's time to get healthy, and I have put it off for long enough. It's time for me to conquer the battle of the bulge instead of letting the battle of the bulge conquer me.

I signed up today for the YMCA which I am very excited about. I went this morning for the first time and was able to run on the indoor track. Daycare is included with the membership which will be great. The best part of the whole exercise experience today was being able to take a shower without crying kids in the background. I could join just to be able to shower without interruptions every day, it was heaven!

Wish me luck with my new exercise regimen. I am so not excited for the pain that comes with exercising but I will be excited to hopefully see some good results soon.


Jessica Newman said...

I can't wait to start working out again. I love the endorphins! Good luck with your get healthy plan!

Chalen said...

Congrats and good luck!! I would suggest to take some starting measurements of thigh, hip, stomach, and bust along with monitoring your weight. It usually takes some time for the weight to start dropping since you are building muscle, but you see improvements in your measurements sooner. That way you won't get discouraged about little or no progress.

Harris House said...

Way to go Trisha! I was very addicted to Diet Coke, and the same thing was happening- my boys wanted to drink it too! I've been off of it for a year and a half now, and it wasn't really that hard to do it. I was worried that I would get massive headaches coming off of it, but I didn't get a single one! :) Good luck with the exercising too! It does wonders for your emotional well being too.:)