Thursday, August 6, 2009

and the Mother of the year award goes to.....

-The mother of nine month old twins who decided to put them on her bed after she knows how fast they get around, and could fall off. Which by the way did happen to one of them who ended up falling onto her head and has a nice goose egg to prove it.

-This same mother went to the grocery store and forgot to strap one of her babies into her stroller, and the other twin sister managed to fall right onto the floor at the grocery store.

-Yeah, let's not forget that this lady who claims to be a good Mom also forgot that she had a follow-up appoinment to check her four year daughter's spleen who has also been sick with mono. That's not important or anything!

..I guess we can just assume that this Mother's brain isn't functioning all that well since school started yesterday and she now wakes up at the crack of dawn. I know that you are all jealous that you can't be waking up at 5:45 a.m to get your child ready for school.


Joyce said...

Trisha, you are a wonderful mother who does a fantastic job of caring for those 9 month old twins plus two other beautiful young ladies. Give yourself a break, and just blame it all on the BRAIN SURGERY!!!!! The rest of us can't even use that as an excuse!

Camie said...

If I woke up at 5 my life would be alot worse then that !! Hang in there your a great mom!

The Cobells said...

Oh, Trisha. You are to hard on your self. Do you remember when I had Addy on my sholders and she fell off backwards on the ground. We have all been there before. I'm just You are a wonderful mother to those 4 cute girls.

Nashville Stolle said...

Dare I confess all the idiotic things I have done or failed to do as a mother of just two kids? (it would make you feel better I'm sure)

I'm with Joyce. Give yourself a break!