Saturday, May 16, 2009

rain rain go away

This Tennessee rain is getting so old not to mention the flooding that has been going on inside our home along with the rain. For almost three weeks now we have been dealing with flooding issues of some sort. First the downstairs family room flooded. We thought that we fixed the problem and were set. Then last weekend we woke up to another flood disaster. This time the downstairs office, and bathroom were flooded. Then we go outside and notice that the garage has also flooded, and not only did it flood but has 2 inches of standing water throughout the entire garage. I just want to pull my hair out. Dealing with flooding issues is not fun.

Kevin and I both cringe now everytime we hear the sound of rain. Today, as it started raining Kevin ran outside just to make sure that everything was draining properly. WE ARE PRAYING FOR IT TO STOP RAINING!

New carpet was laid in both the family room, and office so we are now in the process of trying to move all of our furniture back into our house. It almost looks as good as new!

I am so sick and tired of dealing with insurance people, talk about idiots! What's the point of having homeowners insurance if you aren't covered for most things anyway? I think though that we have finally reached a settlement with our insurance company which is always a plus. I also found out that we don't have flood insurance (that's a whole separate insurance from your standard home owner's insurance) but..... here's the kicker. Even if you sign up for flood insurance and you experience a flood in your home, the flood has to affect 2 or more lots which means: your house, and another house have to both be flooded at the same time. Does this make sense to you because it surely does not make any sense to me. Especially seeing how we live at the top of a hill.



Troop 442 said...

Oh, Trisha. I am so sorry! I can't imagine! I would be totally frustrated with this all, too!! Man! Talk about crazy! I'm sorry you've had to deal with all this. We will pray for the rain to stop in your area, too.

The Cobells said...

Trisha, I feel so bad that you have to go through this. I will be praying for you, and the rain to stop. Stay strong

Jessica said...

Oh, man! I didn't know that about flood insurance either. I knew it was separate and therefore we don't have any, but I didn't know it had to be you and the house next to you. That's so dumb! And I would hate rain too by now if I were in your shoes. We are just dealing with loads of spiders in our basement, but I will take them over flooding.