Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A memory worth remembering

I have always dreaded taking my girls to get their pictures taken professionally for many reasons. The main reason is the stress I feel in trying to make sure their clothes are matching, making sure that every strand of hair is in place, making sure they don't have any bruises or major scratches on their face (which somehow always seems to be the case.)just all the knit-picky details that in the end probably don't really matter. Today, however I had a different experience.

My day started out with a phone call from my sweet friend Amy who just adopted their first child. Tears flooded my eyes as she was telling me about her adoption experience. Amy and her husband have been married for several years and have experienced many trials. Things that I couldn't even imagine having to go through. Amy and her husband Asher have spent many evenings over at our home helping us take care of our babies. The last time being a night that Kevin was on-call. I was so worn out and called Amy to see if she wouldn't mind coming over. She agreed to come over and brought her sweet husband with her. I will never forget the image of this kind man taking my screaming child into his arms and teaching her all about football. Within minutes the baby was quiet and there was a sense of peace in the room following Asher. He can quiet down my babies instantly, and put them to sleep instantly. I don't know how he does it but he does. Amy and Asher have lived their lives perfectly but yet things haven't always worked out as they had intended them to. Until now that is..
Amy has a quote on her blog that says."

"Everywhere in nature we are taught the lessons of patience and waiting. We want things a long time before we get them, and the fact that we wanted them a long time makes them all the more precious when they come." -Joseph Smith

Waiting is something that these two know all about, they have waited for this day for so long. The time has come, and I just couldn't be happier for them. Asher has his own daughter who he now gets to teach football to.

As I was getting my four daughters ready for pictures, I couldn't help but think about the joy that Amy and Asher must be experiencing, and how they too would soon be doing things like taking their little girl to get her pictures taken, and all of the other fun things that come along with raising girls. As I was looking at my four sweet daughters who were all dressed in white, looking like little angels, the thought occured to me. "How many times had I taken motherhood fore granted?The thought also occured to me that I am not JUST a Mom. I am a Mother, and I get to do this job for the rest of my life. How awesome is that? Even more awesome is the fact that Amy is now a Mother, and Asher is now a Father.
Some things in life really are worth waiting for.


Diana Sims said...

Thanks, Trisha...for reminding all of us about how blessed we are and what this life-with all its trials-is really about!

Nashville Stolle said...

I love your perspective... on EVERYTHING! Mikayla want to let you know that she wants to see Kelsie soon too! Call me any M W F you want a visit!!