Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kelsie happenings

Kelsie will be four years old in a few weeks, need I say more? At four years old you know everything right? Well, she thinks she knows it all! I can tell her anything, and her answer is always the same. "I already know that Mom!"

Kelsie is obsessed with her sisters (all 3 of them) and loves them to pieces. She can't get enough of Audrey and Leah although I think that they can get enough of her. She and Alyssa have a very close relationship and she wants to do everything that Alyssa is doing including reading. She has a book called Pinkalicious that can she read all by herself. PINK is Kelsie's color of choice. In her world everything would be PINK! I love having a girly girl although it is sometimes challenging. Kelsie has a style of her own, and refuses to let me pick out her clothes. She also has her mind made up daily about how she wants her hair to look. I am so not used to this!

Kelsie has two very different personalities. You get very upset, or very happy. There is not in-between stage with her. When she is happy, she is the sweetest, funniest, cutest little girl but boy watch out when she is upset. The Preece stuborness sets in real quick and there is no reasoning with her.
We love our Kelsie even when she is not the easiest to deal with. Life without her would be very dull.

I also realize with her how much she is watching everything that I do. I was changing Audrey today and she just had a huge blowout. Kelsie looked at her and said, "for heaven sakes Audrey you know better than that."


Katelyn Marie Taylor said...

I just love kelsie so much, I really think She is so similar to the way I was at her age. We'll have to check with my mom about that. Kelsie is so funny and I am so glad that Rob and I can be her "aunt and uncle" out here in Tennessee. It sure makes our lives wonderful to have such a little spark in our life.

crush said...

That is so funny! I can't believe she said that! That cracks me up!

Chalen said...

Her and Eliza sound a lot alike. Crazy that they got along so well. I joke about her being my bipolar child, because you only get the extreme with her. Have a great time in Utah. W won't get to go back until September or so, for Ethan's baptism, and the kids are dying. Plus, they informed me that they got to see no one fun while we were there in December. They sure didn't mind then

Anonymous said...


It was nice to see you briefly today, I hope that you're settling in well and getting some REST.