Saturday, January 3, 2009

I bet your exhausted!

Don't let these innocent faces fool you
An exhausted MOM
This is only a few days worth of laundry
An exhausted DAD

Whenever I am in public with my four girls it seems the questions and comments are generally the same. questions like "are those twins"?, "Are you going to try for a boy"? The comments are almost as dumb as the questions and they usually go something like this, "wow, you have your hands full.", "if anyone was meant to have twins it was you.", "your poor husband is out numbered", and my favorite comment of all which is, "I bet that you are EXHAUSTED!" Wow, you think? Well, I am here to say that yes I am EXHAUSTED, and today is no exception. With piles of laundry to wash, girls who want me to play make-believe, a house that just needs to be hit with a wrecking ball, babies who have been crying non-stop all day, a mother who has not gotten dressed for the day, dinner that is still waiting to be made, kids who need to be bathed, a husband who is working yet another 30 hour shift, church services to be attended to tomorrow alone with four kids, bills that need to be paid, overdue library fines, a forgotten about hair appointment, preparing for upcoming visitors, feeling like the worst mother in the world for cutting Audrey's finger while trying to cut her nails, the list goes on and on.... Let's hope the rest of the night gets easier... TO BE CONTINUED..... My babies are starting to cry yet again.


Brianne said...

Oh Trisha, I wish I could come help you!!!!!!!!

Jessica Newman said...

Trisha! I know people can seem so stupid but the truth is they are all on your side and wishing you the best. Sometimes the things we say just comes out wrong, but we all love you.

Traylor Family said...

I'm glad you called. It's nice sometimes to know that our friends need us as much as we need them. I hope that you get as much sleep or more tonight as you did last night.

Camie said...

I hear you on the laundry! It never ends!! Im suprized you can find time to blog, I took a nap every chance I could and I had mine one at a time! Your babies our soo cute and hang in there it well get easier. I hate all the comments too. I have a friend with only one kid that tells me all the time how easy life is and wonders why cant I do everything or have the time or why is your house a mess, they just dont know unless they have been there.

Joanna said...

Trisha...Congrats on your babies! I'm so happy for you. Your girls are so darling. YOU CAN DO IT!! You are amazing and I hope you know it. Lots of sleepless nights and long days - you'll be blessed that's for sure. Keep it up!

The Cobells said...

I wish we could be right next door again, so I could help. Hang in there.

Andrea Holley said...

Hang in there - I wish I was still close enough to help! I'll say an extra prayer for you :)

Amanda said...

I am sure you are doing better than you think you are! I hope you find a way to get some sleep soon hun.

Anonymous said...

I you need a hand feel free to give me a call most of the time I'm off by noon. Just let me know.

Asher and Amy said...

I love the family picture! Give me a call if the girls need to play make believe. I am pretty good at it, well I use to be!

Katelyn Marie Taylor said...

Wait til' they are older and you'll laugh at the comments now...My mom had my older sister 2 years later me and then 3 years after she had twins (boy and girl) The comment I remember the most was WOW you are soo young for having so many kids and at their ages too! - It use to drive her just crazy because it was the same thing over and over!!! I am so happy to have you as a friend and I hope that you fill able to bother me if you every just need a set of hands I'd love to help!!!

Unknown said...

Trish, I hope sleep finds you! You are the best mom out there...really, you are! You are my hero, thanks for calling me the other day, I hope the babe's appointments went well...

Karen said...

Wow! Trisha, you truly are amazing. Just muddle through you're doing an awesome job and deserve a medal and a looong nap. Come up with clever comebacks and keep laughing. I'm the queen of stupid comments sorry!