Sunday, December 14, 2008

How much would you pay for a cupcake?

They have the cutest cupcake store in Nashville. It's called Gygi's cupcakes. The other day as the girls and I were driving through, I thought that I would stop and get us a treat. This store only makes cupcakes nothing else. The cupcakes are just standard size piled with 2 feet of frosting. For 3 cupcakes it cost me $9.36. I almost died! It looks like we won't be going back there anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

The sweet smiles on your daughters are priceless, though. I'm willing to bet that you could make a cupcake just as good ;) Glad to hear from you on your blog, hope all else is well.

Troop 442 said...

YOWZER! That is nuts! I'm with Kendra; make your own!

Unknown said...

Man I hope they tasted like heaven or were 'better than "love"' at that price.... ;)

Jessica said...

Mmmm,they look so yummy though! I am sure you could duplicate them at home some how.