Wednesday, August 6, 2008

As I was saying before, where has the time gone? Just as quickly as I think Alyssa has grown, I think the same about my sweet little Kelsie who is now three. It's hard to believe that my colicky baby who never stopped screaming could even possibly be three years old. Kelsie is so much fun, and continues to make us laugh and want to pull our hair out all at the same time. Kelsie worships the ground that Alyssa walks on and the two of them are inseparable. It's been so fun to watch them play together, talk to each other, and love each other the way they do. The other day Kelsie said "we're sisters and that's why we love each other." They have such a great relationship, and it makes me just smile every time I see them together. Alyssa loves being Kelsie's mentor for most things and has been her ballet instructor, her teacher, her playmate, her hairstylist, her dentist, and most recently her piano teacher. She even taught Kelsie how to play twinkle, twinkle, little star. Life with Kelsie is filled with joy, and I love what a tender hearted child that she is. She has been so good with adapting to Tennessee even though she misses her friends in Utah terribly. My mom asked her the other day if she missed Utah, and she said. "No, my Mom thinks that I do but I just love it everywhere." She really has adapted well, and is just making new friends here right and left. Kelsie is a sweetheart, and I can't imagine life without her!


Braden Bell said...

What a sweet girl! As sweet as she is in nursery each week, it's hard for me to believe that she was colikcy as a baby.

Joanna said...

I love your blog. The pictures are great and your girls are darling. I'm glad they like where you are. Hope residency is going well for both of you.