We went in today for our full 20 week ultrasound and the results are in. Drum roll please............
Maybe I should let you all guess the sex of our babies from the ultrasound pictures, or should I give you some clues? I will be nice and spill the beans I guess. In our ultrasound they found 20 little fingers, and 20 little toes, 4 little feet, and 4 little hands, 2 little GIRLS who are going to love pink, and one little dad who will have to deal with too much estrogen that he will hardly be able to think!!! That's right we are having two more little girls if you can believe it. Everything looked really good with the babies. I guess now the hard part will be coming up with names. I really love the names Macy, Leah, Makell, Lucy, and several others. Coming up with one name is hard enough but how do you come up with two names?
YAY! Congrats on your growing family of girlies. Seriously you have the sweetest girls you totally need more. Poor Kevin... he will need some sort of guy space to retreat to when things get girly. So cute! And I like your names. 2 girl names would be really hard for us.
Congratulations! Just think about what good friends they will be when they grow up. Poor Kevin... He will definitely need some time out. Good luck picking names that is always the hardest part.
Strangely enought i have the 2 cutest names... Lucy and Leah how cute are those? Who would want a Macy anyway T?! I love you so much and miss you.. post pics of your belly and kels and alyssa! HAPPY ANIVERSARY!
Congratulations! Wow four girls in all, that is so great, we are happy for you guys and wish you the best of luck with rest of the pregnancy.
Kevin will need a 'man cave'...
your names you thinking about are very cute.
Hurray! I'm so excited for your little family of girls! Sheldon would say that Kevin is a DODO (dad of daughters only). All those names are so cute. Good luck deciding.
Hey Trisha,
It was so great to talk to you. It just makes me miss you and the Village group even more. I will do a blog soon, if McKenna lets me.
I should have written this on the last comment. I think you should have comment page where we all can suggest names. I wanted to name McKenna Abigail and Steve wanted to name her Kennedy. So we were at dinner with his family and we told them to all go around the table and give a name suggestion. That's where we got her name.
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