Thursday, July 17, 2008

Look at this big belly

Okay, so I have to start by saying that I don't like pregnancy pictures of myself therefore I have no pictures of my former pregnancies which in a way I really regret. With this pregnancy I wanted to make sure that I had some pictures of my big belly especially where we are living out of state and no-one gets to see me. These are the first pictures that I have taken so far. This is what a pregnant lady looks like carrying twin girls at 22 weeks along! I am feeling great and still can't believe sometimes that I have two babies growing inside of me. I am actually not swollen up yet so that's a plus. People still comment to this day about how swollen I was with my other pregnancies. I can honestly say that through my pregnancies, I have learned what NOT to say to a pregnant woman. Here are some of the funny and dumb comments people have made to me.
1-Are you sure that you are having twins?
(after you tell them you are sure then they go on to tell you about how their cousin's friend's aunt just had twins and she had the worst delivery ever) Tell someone who cares because frankly I don't give a darn!
2-You mean to tell me that you will have four girls in your house?
(that's right 2+2=4 at least the time I checked)
3-When you were pregnant the last time, I still remember how swollen you were, your feet looked like sausages.
( to this I wish that I dared to say something like, "well you still look swollen all over, what's your excuse?)
4-My favorite comment of all times was when I returned to work after giving birth to Alyssa. My co-worker out loud said "you look so good, and at least your nose is not swollen anymore."
(what do you say to that?)


Unknown said...

Trisha can I just say you are the cutest pregant girl don't look like you have two babies in there, you are tiny! I think you should believe me because I know you won't. But I miss you, so I am glad you are posting pictures of your cute prego self. your house looks cute by-the-way!

Chalen said...

All I have to say is that you know how bad you look when you are pregnant and you usually feel worse. Why do people feel the need to state the obvious!!! I never understand. The favorite one I got was a week or so after I had had Eliza and someone said "Oh you poor thing, I can't believe you haven't had that baby yet." Honestly, did I look so bad that you couldn't tell I had had an 8 lb baby.

ApRil & Heath said...

Sheesh Hot mama!!! Your house looks beautiful! i cant wait to come visit! Your girls already look so grown up... :( i miss you guys but everything looks like its going great! Muah ya!

Harris House said...

Hope you don't mind that I found your blog. Your family is so cute, and how exciting to be adding two more girls- Congrats! One of my favorite things I was told when I was pregnant with KC was that I "was spreading". My FEMALE boss said this to me when walking behind me one day. She was referring to my butt! How rude!! I felt like kicking her in the shin.
Take care,
check out our blog-
I'm not very good at updating though!

Kim said...

you look super cute prego! congrats again!

crush said...

Trisha- you look so good! I'm so glad you're feeling good and looking great! I'm so excited for you and glad that you're taking pictures of yourself this time. You'll be glad you did, in the end. Don't worry about what people say-- it's all worth it!

Amanda said...

You look great!

Bethany said...

Before I read the post I thought. She looks great for having two babies. Then I read your post and had to laugh because people really do say the DUMBEST things when you are expecting.

Papa Paradigm said...

I can't stand pregnancy comments! I can't believe some of the comments you you have heard...4 girls, like you hadn't figured that one out. I love the people who think they know everything.
You're looking pretty hot there girl! Take care. We miss you guys, but love looking at your blog.

Jessica said...

You look so good Trisha! I hope I have never said any of those comments. I try not to say anything like that to people too. Everyone knows how awful it is to hear them and yet it's easy to say it too. My mom told me when I was pregnant with Emily "You won't have her yet, you aren't ugly enough." Oh, that's great. I will just wait for that to happen. And yeah the scary stories always bugged me.

Anonymous said...

Trish, you're beautiful! I love your pictures. I'm glad that you are so happy were you are. I have a talent of sticking my foot in my mouth, so I'm sorry if I've ever said anything to make you feel bad.


Lorena said...

I just voted on your baby name poll and I had to tell you that I'm so jealous. It would be fun to name twins. Of your list, I think Lauren and Lucy would be so cute together. Sounds so classy.