Change is a good thing right? Well, we definitely have a lot of changes coming our way. We are moving across the country in a few months, we are buying our first house in a week, Kevin is graduating from Medical School, and oh yeah one more thing....We are having TWINS!!!! This whole pregnancy was quite a shock for us. We have wanted to have another baby for a very long time and it just was not happening. We kind of gave up on the idea. I even got rid of all of my baby things. Two days later I found out that I was pregnant. I was in shock to say the least! So as time passed by, I kind of had a feeling that I was going to have twins. In my mind I could picture a little boy and a little girl. I mentioned to Kevin that I felt like we were going to have two babies. His comment word for word was, "If there is a God that loves me, that would never happen." Well, I went to my first doctor's appointment and they did an ultrasound. Before the ultrasound even started I told the ultrasound technician that I had a suspicion that I was going to be having twins. Sure enough there on the screen were two little sacs poking out. I don't think my heart has ever beat so fast. I was just at the appointment by myself and wondered how I was going to break the news to my sweet husband. I decided that I would call him while he was at school. I started out the conversation by telling him that our family was expanding from a family of four to a family of six. He kept telling me over and over again, "yeah okay, I knew that you were going to call me and tell me that we were having twins, what did the doctor really say?" I think he didn't really believe a word I was saying until he came home and saw the ultrasound picture for himself. Change is a good thing right?