I will be the first to admit that I love to find a good deal. True my husband will tell you that a better deal would have been to not purchase it in the first place but what does he know? I tend to disagree, and constantly seem to be on the search for a great deal. I have always been pretty good about using coupons and searching out the best deal before purchasing something.
When I lived in Utah, it seemed like the deals were a lot harder to find. I think Utah is a prety competitive state when it comes to couponing. So many large families who are all trying to do the same thing.... save money. I just found myself not wanting to use coupons as often because nine times out of ten when I would go and try to get the deal, the item I was looking for was gone.
I love living in Tennessee just for the simple reason that couponing is easier here. You can simply go to the store, and find what it is that you are looking for. I shouldn't say always, but I would say over 90% of the time that's the case.
I love living in Tennessee just for the simple reason that couponing is easier here. You can simply go to the store, and find what it is that you are looking for. I shouldn't say always, but I would say over 90% of the time that's the case.
This was my weekend for couponing. I spent several hours yesterday gathering my coupons together so that today I could go off alone and gather up my deals. I was rather pleased with myself when I got home and laid everything out on my table.
Just for fun I would like you to comment on what you think I paid for my groceries. Who knows, I may even throw in a prize if you come close to the actual cost. Go ahead, just take a guess. Oh yeah, the piggy bank is not included. I put him in the picture because I feel like we are saving so much on groceries when I use my coupons. In case you can't tell from the picture, here is what I bought.
2 tubes of Rembrandt toothpaste $7.99 each
1 package of skittles .89
1 box of Benadryl cream $4.39
1 Schick Hydro shaving cream $2.97
5 Ban deodorants $4.99 each
6 boxes of pasta $1.49 each
12 rolls of Cottonelle toilet paper $5.99
2 packages of Oreo's $3.50 each
1 box of shredded wheat cereal $4.99
1 box of grape nuts cereal $4.99
2 boxes of Raisin Bran $4.39
1 tube of mascara $4.99
1 box of Midol $4.99
1 box of Bayer aspirin $2.19
2 tubes of Crest toothpaste $3.19 each
1 box of Prevacid $22.49
1 pro clinical Colgate toothpaste $7.99
4 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter $2.33 each
1 gallon of milk $3.50
2 tubes of Rembrandt toothpaste $7.99 each
1 package of skittles .89
1 box of Benadryl cream $4.39
1 Schick Hydro shaving cream $2.97
5 Ban deodorants $4.99 each
6 boxes of pasta $1.49 each
12 rolls of Cottonelle toilet paper $5.99
2 packages of Oreo's $3.50 each
1 box of shredded wheat cereal $4.99
1 box of grape nuts cereal $4.99
2 boxes of Raisin Bran $4.39
1 tube of mascara $4.99
1 box of Midol $4.99
1 box of Bayer aspirin $2.19
2 tubes of Crest toothpaste $3.19 each
1 box of Prevacid $22.49
1 pro clinical Colgate toothpaste $7.99
4 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter $2.33 each
1 gallon of milk $3.50
My total on this order was $22.00. Can you believe that? Just for the Prevacid alone without coupons would have cost me what I paid for my entire supply of groceries.